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RE: What is the solution?

in #life7 years ago

This is such a heated debate but unfortunately it is hard for anyone to have sensible conversation about this because people get so emotional. I completely understand that people want guns to protect themselves but at the same time the gun obsession in America has gotten out of hand.

So much of it is based on fear. Fear that is packaged up and sold to people in the same way any product is advertised. All while Russia is completely aware of this and uses social media to pit Americans against each other like a video game to them. You look in gun magazines and there are pictures of guys with guns dressed in USA apparel going up against ANTIFA members. They are using this crap to sell products to people. Then people retweet all these fake news stories that Russia creates just to drive us further apart.

People are too divided and struggle to even talk to anyone that has a different view then them. People need to be able to put their personal views down and work together. There should be more protection at school. Obviously a sign that reads "Gun Free Zone" is just what a crazy person wants to see. School security and infrastructure needs an overhaul. The existing laws we have need to be in-forced.


Very well put! I don’t believe a simple solution is an option. The entire education system is flawed. I believe a trade/career based education would be a great start. High school students don’t do much but socialize and move from room to room like zombies. People separated into similar interests and goals could lead to less outcast. Separating the herd could help identify those who need help as well. Then the gun debate.... guns will stay... but then what? I have two kids so I struggle with which direction I want for my children.

The primary problem I see is not even the number of guns, (too high) but the type of people that have them, the easy access, the lack of control (all different ways of emphasising the same problem, I know) and the high power or high speed weapons that really should only be in the hands of the military, NOT EVEN the police! As an outsider I say the Americans need to regain control of their government. Good luck with that!

Forget Russia. The Russians really have better things to do with their lives than think about what´s happeing in the USA, serously. It´s just paranoia that politicians stir up to justify their need for money to defend you from a threat that doesn´t exist. It´s a scam!

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