Your Dreams Should Big Enough!!!!!

in #life6 years ago

If you don't have any vision ,then you will never be satisfied and never be happy with whatever you do. Arnold Schwarzenegger was born at the time of second world war ,I a poor family. People of the place to which Arnold belong had lost faith and will power. Arnold Schwarzenegger wants get away with all these things. One day Arnold saw the documentary of America in his school ,at that time he decided to go to the America, but he neither had money nor the job. Luckily Arnold read a book of a famous bodybuilder , at that moment he decide to do something like this I.e. to make a carrier in bodybuilding.
When Arnold was new in America he worked at construction sites as a worker .Other than bodybuilding , in night Arnold go to the acting classes and in day time went for the college. Arnold Schwarzenegger always believed in no pain-no gain .To achieve success there is no option other than hard work.
At the age of 15 years Arnold was a bodybuilder and he wanted to become a champion of this field. More the people discouraged him more he became motivated, and continually won the 13 champions award.After achieving this Arnold said to his manager that , now I wants to work in movies. The reaction of manager was very negative. According to manager the body of Arnold was like a monster, and he had no clue about acting. But more discouragement made him more motivated. Arnold joined acting and English classes together. After this Arnold got some roll in movies and finally he got terminator ,most important movie.
Dreams should big enough. Arnold Schwarzenegger had decided in his childhood that he wants to become bodybuilder and then work in movies.Due to big dreams and thinking our efforts automatically becomes big and give us successful results.

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