Auto Suggestion : The Key to the Subconscious Mind

in #life7 years ago

The subconscious mind as we all know it, is a part we can't easily get direct access to. Research shows that the subconscious is super powerful, capable of doing things we cannot imagine, holding unimaginably stupendous information and details starting from all we've seen, heard, known, even all what had existed before our very own existence. Imagine such information, amazing right?.
Quoting Dr. Geo.C.Pitzer

The subconscious mind is a distinct entity. It occupies the whole human body, and, when not opposed in any way, it has absolute control over all the functions, conditions, and sensations of the body. While the objective (conscious) mind has control over all of our voluntary functions and motions, the subconscious mind controls all of the silent, involuntary, and vegetative functions. Nutrition, waste, all secretions and excretion, the action of the heart in the circulation of the blood, the lungs in respiration or breathing, and all cell life, cell changes and development, are positively under the complete control of the subconscious mind. This was the only mind animals had before the evolution of the brain; and it could not, can it yet, reason inductively, but it's power of deductive reasoning is perfect. And more, it can see without the use of physical eyes. It perceives by intuition. It has to power to communicate with others without the aid of ordinary physical means. It can read the thoughts of others. It receives intelligence and transmits it to people at a distance. Distance offers no resistance successful missions of the subconscious mind.

The smartest man in the world, wrote Dr. Frank Crane in an article in Liberty

is the Man inside. By the Man inside I mean that Other Man within each one of us that does most of the things we give ourselves credit for doing. You Mar refer to him as nature or the subconscious self or think of him merely as Force or a Natural Law, or, if you are religiously inclined, you may use the term God. I say he is the smartest man in the world. I know he is infinitely more clever and resourceful than I am or that any other man is that I ever heard of. When I cut my finger it is he that calls up the little phagocytes to come and kill the septic germs that might get into the wound and cause blood poisoning. It is he that coagulation the blood, stops the gash, and waves the new skin. I could not do that. I do not even know how he does it. He even does it for babies that know nothing at all; in fact, does it better for them than for me. No living man knows enough to make toenails grow, but the man inside thinks nothing of growing nails and teeth and thousands of hairs all over my body; long hairs on my head and little fuzzy ones over the rest of the surface of the skin. When I practice on the piano I am simply getting the business of piano playing over from my conscious mind to my subconscious mind: in other words, I am handing the business over to the man inside. Most of our happiness as well as our struggles and misery, comes front this Man inside. If we train him in ways of contentment, adjustment, and decision he will go ahead of us like a well trained servant and do for us easily most of our difficult tasks we have to perform.

The subconscious part in us is called the subjective mind, because it does not decide and command. It is a subject rather than a ruler. It's nature is to do what it is told, or what really in your heart of hearts you desire. Growing up me and my senior brother were mad videogame lovers. Our parents were in no way going to get us any, and we knew better not to ask. At every period in our lives back then we needed a new console/gaming experience, so we had no option than to figure out how to get it. We'll talk for very long hours imaging having the game, how nice it will be and all, then we'll make a plan on how to get it (which was mostly though savings). From time to time, more like everyday we'll talk and talk, imaging all day and for each console we decide to buy well believe so strongly that we were going to get it. Trust me the feeling/energy we felt after such talks and imaginations were crazy, ecstasy in its highest form. Eventually we walked our way together from game boys to the Sega Mega Drive, to Playstation 1,2 & 3. Back then all we wanted to do was own our consoles and game all day. Looking back at it now, it shows clearly the power of the mind. We were imposing very high vibrations of thought, desire, faith, and imagination to our subconscious mind. There was no atom of doubt back then in us, all we saw was ourselves playing our consoles. We followed through on our plans with all we had, while keeping our eyes on the prize. It was really amazing how things eventually worked out, sometimes it happened not exactly how we expected it to. Ps this still helps me largely in my life.
A lot of motivational speakers/life coaches suggest strongly that when we want to achieve a particular thing or bring an idea to reality, we should write it up and read it at least 2 times daily. Why's that?. Because that process with strong emotions such as desire & faith will impose strong vibrations on our subconscious mind which will attract as much as we need, make us act and think in ways we never have thought, until we get our results.
We see the amazing work of the subconscious everyday, think of the best athletes on the world. The LeBron's, Messi's, Serena Williams, they all have something in common. They have all imposed strong believes of themselves in there field so greatly in there subconscious mind through years of massive training, learning, and experience. When it's time to perform their subconscious takes over, and we get to watch ordinary humans perform like super humans.
That's why we humans have no limitations apart from the ones we make for ourselves. So if you have a bigger vision, a dream, a project, whatever it is you want. Keep it at your minds eye, keep believing and dreaming. Think constant thoughts of wealth, health, happiness, achievement, possibilities, love rather than holding on to negative thoughts because whether you like it or not if you keep on holding to a thought or emotion it will find a way to become your reality.
Remember this
The subconscious works beneath the surface, and it reasons logically, deductively, from the facts that are given it. It will not go contrary to these facts. If you want to change it, you must give it new and stronger facts to work upon.
So even if you write up and read your desire a million times believing it's not so feasible because the facts show logically it can't be done. You'll just be deceiving yourself. Have big dreams, back them up with even bigger believes, energy and passion.
I got to learn a lot from The secret of Ages by Robert Collier. It's a powerful book, you should totally check it out.
Have a wonderful week ahead.

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