in #life8 years ago (edited)

Need a free day off from work, here's how? ( "This has worked you be many times!")

One day I decided to call out of work! Even thou i told my boss I was sick!
In fact I wasn't very sick at all. The conversation went like this!

Me: Hello this is Ryan Hustle can I speak with Mr Johnson!
Front desk operator: Sure i'll transfer you now!

Hello Mr.Johnson, I'm sorry to inform you that i won't be able to make it in today! I just not feeling well!
Boss: "Oh I'm sorry to hear that Ryan!" You can have the day off, just remember to bring in your Doctors note.

Okay Johnson I sure well...I'll see tomorrow if i start feeling better!

Great job you now have the day off but...I will need a doctors note!
You have two choices!

  1. Go to the Doctors office and Fake being sick! which may or may not work.( Are you a good actor?)
  2. Cause injury to your self. ( Which is not recommended) This may land you in a Psychiatric hospital. For 48hr observation for self harm.
  3. Create you own doctors note! Because of the confidentiality agreement called the HIPA law. Your employer can not call your Doctors office and confirm the note.

Employer asked a question.
I am the employer. Can I call a doctor and verify if one of my employees visited the doctor that day?

Labor Attorney answered:
Your telephone call risks invading the employee's right to privacy. The much better practice is to ask the employee for a doctor's note confirming that he had a doctor's visit on the date of the absence.
Quoted from

So with this in mind I have put together A few of my best Doctors note templates.
Feel free to edit them based on your own location. Free doctors signatures can be downloaded from google images.
just make sure they are clean HD signatures. (Black and white only.)

School Note:

Be sure to VOTE UP: I will add more Notes for every Steem Dollar.
P.S I am not responsible for poor Doctor note creation, be smart and take your time creating your notes.
After all your job is on the line! You decide weather a fake note is needed. have fun and enjoy your free day off!


The importance of a doctor's note can't be overstated, especially when navigating various situations. If you find yourself in need, there are numerous online resources offering doctor note templates. It's a practical solution, ensuring your documentation is legitimate and professional. During these times, where health concerns like COVID are prevalent, having a readily available covid doctor's note template can be particularly handy. Just remember, accuracy and authenticity matter. Choose a template wisely, input your details correctly, and you're good to go.

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