
i am literally speechless. Media, influencers and other type of shit give the exact opposite idea in which Korea is a very modern country full of freedom and carefree people. 800k for an apartment is a lot :P

Moreover i have see randomly a korean prank channel on youtube which had english subs and after that i checked a bunch of their videos. What i found out is that the people either those that got pranked or the others ones around were very close and pretended as nothing happened. even if the prank contained an ''injury'' still nothing. In other words they didn't care at all for their fellow human beings or in general at all.

The same thing applies to many countries that have the same or similar type of brainwashing or 24/7 jobs and in general a bit of no life. The same is also happening in big cities rather that villages in which people are more open. Needless to say it's exactly like this in my country

Yes its exactly the opposite in the media which is why i dint even watch tv. We like to put on a persona that we're rich and carefree but its all shallow shit. But i guess that happens in most countires today. Korea tends to lack depth even more. Kids grow up thinking theyll own samsung or marry someone who owns samsung.

hahaha here kids grow up thinking they'' become club owners and shipowners :P

that's tragic. even more tragic thinking how greece used to dominate shipping.

don't worry if you ever come to Greece you will see only the shell that we have ''created'' in which everything is fine and we are happy :P

Damn thats sad. But here all i see is empty shells too 😐
We shall meet

Friend is sad the situation in your country, since there must be freedom to share with your family because in this life is not only work, but often the need forces work. I am an engineer in the system and I am unemployed because I am not partisan of the government. I am an opponent of the government and I have a 10 month old son and to help to eat I plant in a land and at night I go on a raft to the sea with the good God to see if I can catch something to take home to eat. Things here in Venezuela are difficult with respect to the economy. I have 3 hernias in the spine and that limits me to do many things but I see myself in the obligation to make them enduring pain because of the need that is being lived in this country. Happy evening friend God take care of it and protect it.

damn that's bad. i know things have gone horribly wrong in venezuela so i probably shouldn't complain. but i can relate to how everything is controlled by the government and one small fuckup from the great leader can lead to massive destruction of homes and families. governments have too much power and absolute power corrupts absolutely. i wish you luck amigo.

It is sad to learn that most if not all well developed countries are as high pressure as you mentioned. I've seen similar situation in China major cities, hong Kong, Japan and didn't know even south Korea has this similar situation. Whilst I was in Busan, I was wondering why is there so dense and pack in the cities, and now I know it's the "working opportunity". It happen to my country as well, as 6$ an hour consider well paid, but it takes a 1k to pay for the housing loan on a monthly basis.

As for freedom, reminds me of @kaliju post last week. It's a choice. You can be free from day job, but you could be trapped with over resting. At times you wanted to complete some task, but you've been trapped by "freedom" and give yourself another excuse = I'm free man now, I can do that tomorrow and nobody is going to make me eat shit if I don't complete it today.

By the way, the younger version of @roundbeargames was how many years ago? So handsome! 😘

Haha i forgot 🤣 its like 5 years ago. Give or take.
Yes i see the exact same looks on their faces when i see japanese people. They look rich outside and act polite but theyre really zombies inside. I see it a lot with koreans and other asians. I assume its similar in hk or china or whatever.
Yes freedom comes at a cost. You need to take reponsibility. People here are afraid of exactly that. Personally i had a hard time because the idea of not working for an enslaving corporation/government is super alien here. Its like fucking voodoo magic.

It's very different tone from what @jacoblaukaitis have just presented on his post here

much respect to the man but traveling is not the same as living.
i hate dprk, but tell me which is south korea below :)






Not sure. Is it the first photo?

2nd and last is dprk, rest is south korea. i'm just saying the picnic alone does not represent life in south korea 😌
people getting beaten down is closer to reality.

Great article, I loved it! So I would like to make a comment and then ask you something. In the first place I would like to say that for me personally it is not right to judge something before you know it or see it yourself. I would really like to visit Korea one day and know things about this country. Now, what I want to ask, you mention brainwashing, limited freedom, following orders and I want to ask you, because people from other parts of the world really do emphasize in that disciplined life that Korean people follow, is this something that the people want, is it something that they are forced to do because they are afraid, is this the only thing they know or we are talking for pure brainwashing?

wow that's a good question.. i don't speak for all koreans but i'd say following orders is something we're accustomed to. starting from kindergarden you're not allowed to ask questions. you're beaten if you do. i'm not sure if they still do this anymore but that's how things were when i was growing up. it's the same for all your years in school. by the time you go to college, everybody's so brainwashed that those who ask anything are social outcasts. to make it worse they go through the military. now you get to be imprisoned without trial if you ask questions.

basically you make zero choices until you're almost 30. at this point you don't even know what choice means.

Thank you for your answer, I was really interested to know. So you may say that there are many reasons put together that result in that situation, fear, force and you end up doing the only thing you know because you never learned something different. You also mentioned you are accustomed to, that's a nice word to use because what happens sometimes is that an action repeated becomes a habit, habits are customs in fact they can define an individual or a society. So my point is that do you believe that this let's say "obedience" is considered as "ethically" and socially correct so someone has to follow it so he would not be consider incapable? And a final question how happy or unhappy do you believe you are regarding the situation you describe?

Oh yes exactly. If this is all we know its all we do. Obedience is absolutely one of the highest virtues in korea. People fear bitcoin because it doesnt have a central authority figure to submit yourself to.

Id say im moderately happy. I chose starvation over obedience.

Thank you again for all this information! A last thing I want to point out is that maybe for some people it is easy to say to someone else that they should revolt or change things but when there are norms with so deep roots in the society and the human himself things are more easily said than done! Thank you for the great discussion!!!!

Yes when its the norm people dont even bother 😐


The guy on the TV set looks a lot like Dan.


Actually mid summer is a big suicide season. We had a "meeting" yesterday and it was a hell house. Our job is one of the "best" because of the early leaving time but stress is high now.

We are passed the Park Jung Hee stage but it will be a long time before people can actually do or say what they want. I'm glad you are free speak your mind.

Dan as in dan larimer? 😂
Anyways i dont really think we are still past the park jung hee stage.
The government is not killing people anymore but it still has the same traits where they dont like the very idea of personal property. Recently they went as far as saying 'all land is supposed to be owned by the government we are gonna take it away from you now'
I need an m16 to defend myself from tyranny.

Wow. I understand you perfectly. How rude it must be to live that, as they say "People learn to love their chains". I think that if you feel good about your decision and you feel free and at peace with yourself, it is definitely the right decision. Many Venezuelans in Steemit have given up their work in an office or in any job because they only pay 2 or 3 dollars a month and prefer to dedicate themselves to this page. I think making the decision to resign is also a good decision at this time.

Oh yes people love the chains that enslave them. Here theyll fight for it and compete to show off whos got the worst chains.
Unfortunately im quite alone when i say this 😂
I wish you luck. We all need some.

For God friend. I sincerely understand what you feel. I know you speak in a part of my career we must study the different types of culture and I know something about yours. It is difficult and very sad that and the worst thing is that very few people realize that what they live violates their human rights. I know that many people die from overwork and it is a lake that seems totally illogical to me because it helps to have a tired staff they do not perform in that way, Rest is essential and important. They are not animals they are people and they have feelings, they also need to have time to share. For a while I thought that most people there should ask themselves what life is for if you do not have time to enjoy it but then I realized that very few people ask it because they do not have time to ask and I felt still more sad that's why.

Youre right. To this day i dont understand how forced long hours can increase productivity. My theory is that it just makes the owners feel good that they know they can control other human beings. In korea if you point out that people are not animals that they have rights, we look at you funny 😂

Friend very good excellent writing I really liked your description of the life of a South Korean, since the 2002 Soccer World Cup I learned more about this extraordinary country and since then I have admired him for his progress, I live in Venezuela and I hope he can copy the best of you and better as a country. In spite of all their problems they are a great country, many countries would like to progress like Korea like my country.

Theres something to admire considering we had starvation up until early 2000s. But most of economic gains were at a cost of brainwashed people giving up their lives for corporations or the government. Its hard tk tell whether it was worth it.

article that can be an inspiration for @jhoni friend, life nothing eternal, patience will be conditioning in running life, succes always @roundbeargame, I as friend will always pray for you,☺️

Im not sure about inspiration but thanks @jhoni

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