I ended up saying stay here like today, I will come back tomorrow, if you are well here, I will stay too.

in #life3 years ago

Friends, how are you? I hope you are well and it is desirable to be well. How is the balance of the world going?

If there is anything in the world called happiness, its name is love, its name is love, what will it say forever?

You have to leave the illusion of Sim far away, so do you say that you will continue as you have for so long.

No matter how many things come, no matter how many girls you come, I will stay in Tribhuvan talking happily and there is no profit with palm?

Calculate the profit loss, there is no profit, there will be profit, there will be profit, this is how it will continue in the world.

In the video, two of the two have gone to the edge in this way.I want to say that...

Then we know how many things come then we still see some things then we see how many girls we have not done then why do we in society

I have seen so much of what I have seen has become possible. Then everyone shows up.There was no profit after that.Happy birthday.

I haven't seen the picture yet.How long will the people of Chandpur give so much to the society?

You are behind me every day and then why don't you come and stay here as like me the guyes

Seeing how much they will show after seeing that there is no profit, listen to how many clouds we have not done then something is possible.

Azadin goes, days come, months go by, as well as the upazila, how long will your performance last?

I can't find any information about how much you are doing in a fancy way. India India 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30.

You three number of people will be investigated. In this way, we would not be able to say everything.

India, India, Pakistan, we will do it all together, brother.Why don't you understand why I don't stay with you after you don't do so much?

How many things have I written? How many things have I written? If I don't run everything, I have nothing else to do. Why don't you understand me?

In die video het twee van die twee op hierdie manier na die rand gegaan.Ek wil sê dat...

Dan weet ons hoeveel dinge kom dan sien ons nog sommige dinge dan sien ons hoeveel meisies ons nie gedoen het nie hoekom doen ons dan in die samelewing

Ek het soveel gesien van wat ek gesien het, het moontlik geword. Dan daag almal op.Daar was geen wins daarna nie.Geluk met jou verjaarsdag.

Ek het nog nie die prentjie gesien nie. Hoe lank sal die mense van Chandpur soveel aan die samelewing gee?

Julle is elke dag agter my en hoekom kom bly julle dan nie hier soos ek die ouens nie

Kyk hoeveel hulle sal wys nadat hulle gesien het dat daar geen wins is nie, luister hoeveel wolke ons nie gedoen het nie dan is iets moontlik.

Azadin gaan, dae kom, maande gaan verby, sowel as die upazila, hoe lank sal jou optrede duur?

I ended up saying stay here like today, I will come back tomorrow, if you are well here, I will stay too.

Stay well, be happy, I left today with this good wish, there is nothing more to say, then I am the slave of the name here, be well, you and you.

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