Jeepers Creepers a Monkey & a Caterpillar

in #life7 years ago (edited)


Jeepers and Creepers are the names of my bipolar friend's two animals. He has a monkey living up his left sleeve and a caterpillar living up his right sleeve.

My friend displays all the sanity and reasoning that the majority of humans do and is pleasant and polite. In fact he is somewhat of an intellectual in thinking out of the box solutions.


You could be chatting away with him over a coffee and as you dont expect the conversation slowly drifts like a bullet train on to the next subject suddenly interjected by my friend. The subject of him meeting the queen of the universe who challenged him to a lighting duel. He apparently won and stole some of her magic.
images (8).jpg
After not receiving much discourse in way of comments or questions (rather like this post :-)) the conversation drifts back to the redesign through reduction in size of a partical collider by rearranging the magnetic field layout.

Now I have a personal theory of how my little friend got in to the mental state to experience an 'expanded' reality.


If i take the view that our individual personal belief systems are a collection of input data being filtered by consciousness through a series of transistor like logic gates the same as any cpu. Creating a version of interpreted reality held and accepted by our concious state of mind.


Our sensory perception is limited to 5 physical senses plus thought (common sense or being afraid of spiders for example)
It is well understood that input data from our physical senses is recieved and processed as electronic signals stimulating our neural networks.
Conscious thoughts overtly manifest through the observance of electro / chemical brain activity. As our 5 senses pass information to the brain ultimately in electronic signal form so does conscious thought.


Thought has an equal seat at the reality definition table. Thought patterns or bonded belief thoughts created by the fusion of neurons.

If we accept the above variables as theory proven true then then we could offer the supposition that for the majority of people the belief that sits at their reality table is one rooted in entwined parental guidance. Knowledge deemed to be corporate quality data by parents and worthy of being passed along to their off spring.

I said "rooted" remember?

My friend's parents are successful businesspersons who follow wealth as the meaning to life.
Using their wealth from the get go of my friend's existence he was placed in front of an assortment of different parenting devices to teach and nature the root of his naive innocent core belief system.
Baby got in the way of making money so much so that after learning about the existence of Santa and the hypnotronic manga world of Dragon Ball Z, due to time constraints no one ever told him either one was make believe.

That's what i think anyway. Hope you view it as a possibility otherwise I'll worry that I'm mentally deranged. :-)


Well, as usual, I don't accept any of it. Especially the last bit about you worrying about being mentally deranged. Could be a tag's got something to do with that, he he.
Adult input? Parental input? In the words of a Bowie song that go something like, 'if the homework gets you down, chuck it on the fire and take the car down town!' I tell the kids I teach that they have to think for themselves because only they know what they really want. When I was a kid it was normal to ignore parents. It's much more fun that way.
I'd say more about your mate etc but you're probably bored with me now ;)
Still I have to use up all this voting power I won with googlyeyes, so you're upvoted!!! Yay!

Well funny and thank you.
Adult yes and all human input just not solo cartoons and video games.
I suspect a more reasonable answer involves attention seeking and low self esteem. That's so lovely you're a primary teacher. Bless you.
Congratulations winning googleyes. Was that with the broom?

Yes, it was the greeny-haired broom. But, I got the voting power upgrade for 4 weeks from minnow support because I was the poorest Steemian to win googlyeyes. So you can win by being poor! Weird...

Steemit. A utopían society?

It's more like a game. Like an alternative reality.

Maybe you're right.
I have a confession. I'm a 2/3rds Ork and 1/3rd Troll I eecaped from War Hammer.
That's between you and me though.

Wow! You must have to wear a mask all the time. Fantastic graphics in the video game.

I just signed up for STEEM-POCALYPSE SEASON 6. Maybe you would enjoy that too. We could see who dies first. Ha ha, would be me for sure, but fun anyway. I resteemed it but it's by @papa-pepper if you want to find it.

The mask isn't so bad its hiding my 12ft tail that's proving difficult.

I can imagine, ha ha!

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