7 Ways to Consider to Hit 100 Years of AgesteemCreated with Sketch.

in #life7 years ago


Is this the perfect time to think or discern and ask, "How's my life since I appear in existence?" This question leads to:

#1 Pray/Meditate/Contemplate


Three words are crucial for human survival and growth:

i. Stop

ii. Look

iii. Listen

These three words would lead us to pray, meditate and contemplate. Rushing things and activities will put us to errors over and over again and again. Great philosophers and thinkers tried to be isolated most of their time. Thus, creating brilliant ideas, not for their own but for all..

#2 Avoid/Eliminate Processed/Manufactured Products


Drinking only drinks that are colorless and tasteless will purify our bodies. Of course I am referring to water. Is it hard to think, avoid or eliminate those milks, sodas, coffees, beers or wines? Can we get nutrients, minerals or vitamins on water? Its time to investigate or do some intensive research about these different kinds of variety of drinks. If you want to live longer, then consider drinking water only for the rest of your life. Today is the day to discipline ourselves.

How about the foods we eat? Its time to make or cook our own foods at home. Buy fruits and vegetables from organic farm owners or plant fruits and vegetables in our own backyards.

What about the soaps, toothpastes, shampoos, lotions, deodorants and perfumes we already are using since birth? We can actually make our own at home with these products without using any chemical ingredients. We just have to consult our very own friend Google to learn DIY (Do It Yourself) sort of things online.

#3 Try to Moderate Everything


Yes, maybe we could balance things but to maintain the momentum to the end is very challenging. Maybe we fail many times along the way. But those failures are actually the foundation to success, whatever our goal is, particularly to moderate everything, maintaining the perfect balance of our lives.

#4 Be Patient


The way to perseverance is patience. We live long in our age now because of patience. Persevere until the end through patience. I guess we ponder on this: The brave man most likely to die first than a man who is patient.

#5 Consistent


Doing things consistently will form a habit. But be aware that habit is far more different from addiction.  

#6 Help Others


Helping others gives joy to others and ourselves as well. We use to help ourselves, our families, friends and relatives. How about those people we don't know, the least ones in particular? The true essence of charity is helping and giving not thinking and expecting in return. Lets learn to to help/give and forget!

#7 Learn from the Past and Try New


There's a bright future ahead while learning from the past and moving forward to new things. Life is a cycle from the past, living today while the future is waiting to embrace us. 

Go for 100!

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