Microdosing LSD - It Saved Me from Depression and Stress

in #life7 years ago (edited)

Is LSD still a taboo?

Because in 2017 LSD is helping people with depression, sickness, the reality of death and potentially saving lives. You may have heard of a new trend going around called "microdosing". Which is the process of taking a very small amount of psychedelic medicine...with the purpose of gaining the attributes of the medicine that don't include tripping out.

If you follow my blog, you can see that i am big advocate of psychedelic medicine use. It has helped me immensely in my personal and spiritual growth and i truly believe that these plants and fungi are here for us to ingest, and learn from.

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The Stoned Ape Theory

In a nuteshell Terrance McKenna theorized that humans could have evolved from apes that w'ere grazing the land and eating magic mushrooms. The apes ate the mushrooms and would then have these extremely profound experiences. New thoughts would flood their mind, they would have visions beyond anything they had before, their vision heightened, perception heightened as well.

With this theory, it is inevitable that a mental evolution would take place with the apes. An evolutionary point that would take us from beings with a minor understanding of logic to humans beings with a deep understanding of logic, appreciation for art, morality, etc.

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My Experience with Microdosing

Last year i was going through a lot of rough patches in my life and with my business. I had just quit my job and started to work for myself so i was stressed financially. I was also a newlywed, which came with its own set of stress. I was really going through it!

I started to do some research on things that might be able to help me overcome some of the stress. I already smoke a lot of weed so that wasn't even something i considered would help me. So i came across some articles about Microdosing LSD and i was very intrigued. The article talked about how microdosing over time increases a persons mood, ability to focus, thought process, and a myriad of other positive things. It even said it could help with depression, which at the time i was feeling borderline depressed.

Why had i never heard of this before? i had been doing psyches for a long time throughout my life, and i'd gained a lot from the experiences already. But this microdosing thing sounded like exactly what i needed!

I gathered all my resources together and i found some information on how i could get paper blotter with 10ug of LSD on them. An average dose of LSD is 100ug, so 10ug wouldn't make you trip...but it is just enough to give you the microdosing experience. I read online that a good dosage is to take 1 tab every other day, so i stuck to this amount over a 3 month period of time.

This table describes my experience with micro dosing LSD over a 3 month period.

Dosage: 1 tab every 3 days

First MonthSecond MonthThird Month
Boost in EnergyBetter Sleep PatternsNo Depression
Increased AwarenessEven More HappyFull Focus / Awareness
Slight Increase in HappinessMore Easy GoingPerspective Shift

I quit cigarettes during the 3 month cycle

At the end of my microdosing period of 3 months i had felt like a brand new me. My perspective had been refocused, i was back on track, i was making more money with my business, and i had even quit cigarettes! Which was something i had been trying to do for years, and i couldn't get a grip on it..I felt very uplifted and like i could take on any challenges that came to me in my life. It was hard to believe that just 3 months prior i was feeling like crap and thinking about my life in such a negative way. LSD literally has given me some of the most spiritual and insightful experiences of my life and now it was also helping me through stages of extreme challenges and depression.

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Overall i loved the experience of what microdosing did for me. This was last year and i haven't felt the need to microdose again since then, i've read that it might even do permanent things to your brain chemistry over time..so maybe i got some wires re-connected in there some where lol.

Would i suggest microdosing to someone? Definitely, 100%...i would. Big pharma makes so much money off of feeding people poison that doesn't do anything but leave you more depressed, and a whole host of other side effects.

There we're no negative side effects for me at all during my 3 months, and i only gained positive things from microdosing. So if you are thinking about doing it, i say try it.. What have you got to lose?




Great post, Have you seen the work that's being done with mushrooms, lsd and the ability they have control migraines and cluster headaches? There was one particular patient who was literally bed ridden 3-4 days per week until his wife researched the subject for him. He was literally suicidal with this condition so thought he had nothing to lose and tried the mushrooms with miraculous results! Now he takes a dose every six weeks and lives free of migraines.

yes! i have heard about how mushrooms help cluster headaches, i was watching a documentary about it. And i know someone who recently just started doing it for his cluster headaches and they are gone now, just like you said he doses it every few weeks and now hes good. It's amazing to me what mother nature gives to us......and mushrooms are fungus..which is like..old and rotted. it goes to show you, a lot of wisdom and power comes with age..

Cool man, and yes you're completely on the right track with your perspective on age. I like how in many communities around the world the elderly are held in high esteem for the wisdom that they have. Yet in western society where they no longer contribute in tax they're seen as a drain. Another thought is perhaps the powers that be don't want the youth to absorb the wisdom and knowledge that comes with age.

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