Preparing for our club show. With thirteen days left everything is starting to fall in place.

in #life6 years ago (edited)

BBK Show.jpg

It's thirteen days before our clubs show and I feel relieved but also tense at the same time. This year I am organizing the show. It's the first time that I am in charge of all the arrangements for an event that is not part of work. Must say not being paid to manage an event is more stressful. Hopefully all will go according to plan. The biggest challenge for me is getting other members to lend a hand and getting feedback on a regular basis. So use to working with a team that gives you their full undivided attention. I get the feeling that everyone is just going this is your baby so you deal with it.

I'm not one to back down if the going gets tough. I just see it as a learning curve. All I'm telling myself is this I will be changing next year every time I encounter a bump in the road. I'm not putting myself out there to do the show again next year #justsaying .

I have big plans for the show. I will be changing up things a bit more than usual. Below I have a few drawings of how the venue will be set up. BBK Skou 2018 Layout.jpg
This is a 3D render of the show area:
BBK Skou 2018 3D Bonsai area.jpg
Sales area:
BBK Skou 2018 3D Sales:Demo area.jpg
Reception/ Welcoming table:
BBK Skou 2018 3D Welcoming.jpg

I think I have everything under control. The venue is book and the tables are paid and confirmed. I have a few small things that still need my attention and then it's all done.

With me organizing the show I have not paid too much attention on the trees that I will be putting on this show. There are a few trees that I will have to start prepping over the next few days to get them show ready. A lot of my trees have suffered under these harsh weather conditions, so I might just enter a few trees and not as many as last year.

Trees that I'm considering to enter:
I have been prepping this tree for a year now and I think it might be ready now. I will need to trim the tree back and redo the ground cover. This tree look amazing when it's prepped. Here is a photo of the tree a few weeks back at another exhibition:
IMG_5072.jpgIMG_5137.jpg I like to give my trees time to recover in between shows and viewings as keeping them groomed takes up time but also puts a lot of strain on the tree. The exhibition areas are normally dry and humid depending on the venue and if they have a good or bad air ventilation systems. So after a show I would allow the trees to recover for a month or so before I would work on the tree.

This is my Australian Cherry forest. I did enter this tree last year and it did well. Since then I have received many comments on the planting and the way in which the trees are planted in relation to each other especially the two smaller trees on the right. So I am in two minds about this forest planning now 😇 but the I feel the choice to enter the tree is still mine 😈. I might just enter the tree to see what the reaction of the judges will be. Yes there is a little #rebel in me.

IMG_5811.jpg This tree is just an amazing tree. I love working on it as I just keep on being surprised by the way the tree responds to trimming and fertilizing. Just to show you what I mean look at the following photos:
The trees trimming this year:
Same tree a few weeks later:

It just keeps on growing. I love it when you see results in your trees. This gives you hope to carry on.

I also have a few small plants that I just want to enter as accent plants.
Most of these smaller plants have flowers that are starting to from now so they might just open up just in time for the show. 😁

As you can see I have a few things that I can keep myself busy with. I will be uploading blogs more frequently as I start to prep just to show what goes into preparing for a show. I will be doing step by step illustrations as well so that you can save it and use when you enter your first or next show. I will be posting as I am going along to keep you up to date with my new venture.

Hope you enjoyed the blog. Please feel free to leave your comments in the section provided below.


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I really love that Australian Cherry - is it the same as a brush cherry? I have one small one growing at the moment. It is perfect for going windswept so I am allowing it to grow wildly at the moment in a large pot just to get some size going over the next few years - thinking tree should be sufficient. Good luck with the show, I'm sure it will go well but seriously, I hope you are not paying for everything out of your own pocket, that would be extortion. Do you guys have sponsors?

LOL no the club pays for everything. I am looking at getting some sponsors on board but it's hard as everyone wants something in return.

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