in #life6 years ago


Sometimes we conceive so many things, our minds are occupied with so many plans but we encounter one problem at this stage, the problem is 'THE STARTING POINT’, so many questions occupy our minds, like, ‘how will I do it’, ‘where will I start from’, there are some factors necessary to be considered at this point. A friend once said, firstly, we must be able to distinguish between wish and aim. Wish somehow seems to be probable mental idea, what you wish is different from your aim. Let me enlighten us on wish and aim before we proceed


Wish as I said earlier is more of probable mental idea. Wish according to oxford dictionary defines it as desire, hope, or longing for something or something to happen. Subjectively, wish seems to carry more of probability, that is there might be no certainty for that expectation but we are anxiously hoping for it.


Aim is what we are pursuing, what we hope, longing for and we are working towards its actualization. We visualize it occurrence or its actualization and you long for its achievement by working towards it. Oxford dictionary defines it as intentions; purpose; design scheme; aspiration and I so much love the example cited there which I will like to make use of here also which is ‘ my number one aim in life is to make money to make my parents, siblings, my wife and kids happy’. Once you are able to set your aim, you won’t only desire for it, you will work towards it. Your aim will always be your drive and determination keeps you on track.

Can you see there is a subtle difference between wish and aim? When you are able to get your concept right then you will be able to know the next line of action to take. We face this problem at all aforementioned stages where we discussed ‘WHAT NEXT’. When we know what next to do, even when we come out with an idea, a concept. Some factors still limit us from taking a step and I will like to cite those factors that we may encounter during these stages of life problems and they are as follows


Environmental pressure eg.
Society you find yourself

To be continued on 10/03/2018

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