Do what you enjoy doing

in #life6 years ago


We later grew to know what we best fit in, not that we weren’t ambitious enough but we could later define the purpose of our existence which is not in accordance with our initial ambition.

As I said earlier, It is at this time you can best discover yourself, let me give you a scope on what you can do at this stages of life.

There must be something you love to do very well, there must something you can do easily without being forced, there be something you are craving to do but time constraint incapacitated you. There must something you love to do, citing examples, you might love to listen to music, why not move in to the music world by at least learning a musical instrument at that time, you love to snap pictures, you derive pleasure in taking pictures of other people, why not move into photography and still pursue your admission or look for a job to put food on your table, you might derive pleasure in dancing and singing, why not invest your time and money in improving your dancing and singing skill. Even you don’t really get what you are good at, just invest your brain in learning a skill. And don’t ignore the fact that when taking this step, you will face challenges, where? At the place of learning, your parent and others.

Some challenges will come that you will have the notion of halting the skill acquisition. There is only one drive, which is DETERMINATION, which is telling you that, come what may, good or bad, I must achieve this aim. Look, when taking this step, people may see you as an unserious element, some might say ‘this one is mad’ because of what they see as an abnormal behavior in you but understand that no one will understand you, you are the only one in your world, they are also in their world, so some ethical rule guiding your own conduct telling you that what you are doing is right might be an aberration in their world, the ball is your court, if you make it in life, you will solely be responsible and if otherwise, you will also solely be responsible so why not ignore those extraneous variables and focus on your life. Those extraneous variable are likewise also necessary in your life because if you don’t have them, you might not know how big and productive your goal might be, they are there to INTERFERE but not INTERRUPT your goal(perhaps if you don’t give in to them). WHY NOT STOP USING YOUR BRAIN TO ACHIEVE OTHER PEOPLE’S AIM.

Come to think of it. Don’t you see it as a plus for you? You have or pursuing your first degree and have an acquired skill. Don’t you know that the way you are going to reason and make up your business will be quite different from a person who only learnt this job. This is where education will make a difference because with education backing your skill, you will have vast knowledge in that field and your setup will be different from a person who only learnt it without educational background. That’s the influence of education. Let me cite some of the differences you might encounter if you happen not to know

Your setup

The way you interact

How you package your stuff

The set of people that will be patronizing you



Invest your brain on something that can better your life. It might not pay you now but the pay day is coming when you will forget all the process you took and you gonna laugh at last.

Kindly upvote, comment and resteem.


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