
Most people think self improvement comes from working for a cause made by someone else, but actually self improvement is based on devoting work to what benefits you in a way more than physical, creating something by yourself for yourself.

I have been on a journey of self discovery for a couple years now. Something happened one day and I realized that I don't enjoy the cubicle life... Hell, I don't enjoy being employed by someone who inherently believes he has some superiority over me based on his position and pay rate received from their employment. I don't like someone treating me like I am less than them just because "they are my boss." That's what lead me to self employment. There is literally endless opportunity on the internet. There is literally a market for EVERYTHING! And that means that you can literally make an income and job out of anything that you are passionate about. It doesnt matter if it is cats, dogs, snakes, trees, gardening, weight loss, smoothies, recipes, vegan, woodworking, smithing, weight lifting, hunting fishing, camping, survival.... IT LITERALLY DOESN'T MATTER WHAT YOU ARE PASSIONATE ABOUT, YOU CAN BE YOUR OWN BOSS!

You can make blogs, make social media accounts, build webpages, make youtube videos, make pinterest pins, and the list goes on and on! There are so many things you can do to put products in front of people using the internet. Most people don't even realize it, but every time you share nearly anything on mainstream social media you are sharing it and making the creator money off ads and affiliate products.

I only go in so hard about self employment because it wasn't until I was self employed that my vision truly changed. I see the world differently now, but before I got here I was blind to all this. It's very empowering and I wish that it happens for anyone with the determination and drive to make it happen. After all, there is no difference between you and the people that own these businesses. Maybe some formal education, but as an autodidact myself I believe you don't need all that to get where your going. Best of luck to everyone.

I hope my vote, can be the vote to get you out of your cubicle!

I appreciate that, I didnt mention that as of April 1st, I have been self employed through the internet for 2 years. Now, my cubicle is my house, but I like it this way. I get to be here for all the important things with my family. No one is ever telling me when I have to be where and what I have to do. I get to be my own boss. Of course, if I don't work, then I don't get paid. But I greatly appreciate your wishes and intentions! <3

I once read a personal development/self improvement book that contained the sentence, "From the cradle to the cubicle..." It was the most depressing thing I've ever read.

You actually "get it". I teach, you help yourself by helping others. If we concentrate on quality of life rather than quantity of monetary rewards, we get to enjoy both. I really enjoyed your post.

Your post was spot on. The issues you spotted is what brought me into this space. I have enjoyed a terrifc life because wisdom was shared with me. The most popular people in this space are monetizing knowledge. They have structuted the information in a way that keeps one engaged and returning for more. This is great from a business perspective but disillusioning once discovered. There is great value out there. Some people (like you) can take what theyve learned and can now help themselves by helping others. Stop by my blog. I think you may find some interesting thoughts. Take care.

Always a trip seeing comments come in on such old posts, and glad to see they’re still serving value! ☺️🙏💓

Yes, your posts are valuable. Thank you for sharing.

Take it easy Darling!
Life enfolds infront of your eyes!
I'm still reading BTW

When someone seeks," said Siddhartha, "then it easily happens that his eyes see only the thing that he seeks, and he is able to find nothing, to take in nothing because he always thinks only about the thing he is seeking, because he has one goal, because he is obsessed with his goal. Seeking means: having a goal. But finding means: being free, being open, having no goal.- Hermann Hesse, Siddhartha

Awesome quote 💖

A book I read when I was 14 :)

Great analysis, I was there with you seeking answers from without, I turned inward and started sorting thru my own baggage that I figured out no one else could tell me how to fix anything..

Great, controversial article! I bit to long in my opinion. You might consider splitting it up next time. Anyway... You earned yourself a new follower :)

Good articles from rok, you won't be disappointed.

Not a bad suggestion... :-)

Great article.

You nailed some good points in this! I can't imagine that Satoshi Nakamoto would have accomplished bitcoin by sitting around and reading self-help books all day, sometimes you just gotta go for the dream.

True dat! ✊

Outstanding post! The two points that resonated with me the most are how important it is to try to stay in the present moment and have a focus on serving others not just yourself. Life is a journey that should be enjoyed moment by moment as we experience loving one another.

Hello @rok-sivante, I recently started philosophers challenge on my page.
People give me topics to write about.
I would love it if you could leave a topic for me as you have a unique way of perceiving the world.
Hope i'm not asking too much <3

And done. :-)

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