
Knowledge is simply a manefestation of the mind. And the mind simply a manifestation of the body. With a single datum you know nothing. Collect them and you still know nothing, but now you have data. Organize a lot of data and you get information...and, you still know nothing. Extrapolate cause-and-effect relationships between sets of information and, for the first time you know something (you have knowledge). This is what Google is still trying to do effectively. But be still have a long way to go. From a lot of knowledge you need to work hard to generalize principles...then, if you are lucky, you may develop foresight. Over years of charting your course through life with foresight as your guide, your experience will compound. You may experience a rare thing indeed...that is wisdom. With wisdom and long-life, you may achieve enlightenment. But few are those who ever achieve enlightenment. Fortunately, for us mere mortals, working to make a living each day just to get through life...there are some shortcuts. Books that record the collected wisdom of countless generations. Consult their stories and a theme will emerge. One theme; wisdom (and thus knowledge) is not just is "knowable" and consistent. It is knowable by the filter of generations and time. Another is, Knowledge, itself, is arrogance. It is our own brain and body believing it knows more than the universe. Knowledge holds our spirit hostage and thus our body and mind hostage as well. With enlightenment, you should find, the truth. The truth that you really know nothing and the person who may seem a moron, is really smarter than you.

Insight as a characteristic of the informative conduct of an individual going about as a psychological operator. Insight as judged by the impacts delivered by social conduct regarding the points of interest and weaknesses it produces. A substantial class of dumb specialists are the individuals who act just "on standard", in this manner baffling crafted by others without increasing any individual advantages, as frequently happens in executive gatherings, on personnel or departmental advisory groups, in political gatherings, congregations with consistent voting directions, even in global relationship of countries when a country vetoes a recommendation "in light of rule".

No need to complicate it so much. Only thing you have to do is enhance your level of perception. That will say pay attention.

Wonderful article indeed. I love your "Is this true? Maybe, maybe not"

Humans have this penchant for marketing their Unknowingness as Knowingness. And the less they really know the more they fear the uncertainty, even though uncertainty itself comes about with no attachment at all to definite outcome. In this way we can easily see how prone Humans' mind is, as fear and negative mindset rise in accordance with uncertainty. In this mode we imply and radiate our victimhood to our life circumstances: Everything is happening against us, not for us.

If we instead cultivate our Intuition we are much better off. As it sees what lies without the eye, opposed to our negativity- attached ego which only sees what lies within the eye.

From my viewpoint "real Knowingness" doesn't exist, because many things we assume to know change as our perception changes. So Knowingness is never stagnant but always shifting on an individual as well as collective level. On top of that, the term "real" describes a steady state, hence it is changeless. Yet when our perception changes constantly and with it our Knowingness, then it cannot be ultimately real. Thus, real Knowingness doesn't exist! We cannot really know anything!

Moreover, drawing our power from Unknowingness makes us to practitioners of our Intuition, the gradual development of which safely and soundly enhances our reconciliation with the feeling state of Beingness, Trust and Love, finally lending us the authentic and inherent feeling that magic and miracles are all around at all times!

Are my statements true? Maybe, maybe not. It is merely one perspective ;)

I've often thought, "why are all these crazy stupid people attracted to me?", after one of "those days".

But then I remember that we each have our own path in life. Along this path we are forced into different roles. Sometimes we are doers, then sometimes teachers and always learners.

The trick is to know what role to play when.

Keep these types of thoughts coming!

"...In the midst of dumbasses-"


"Solutions... these may be the bridge to more preferable outcomes, which are ultimately our own responsibility to design."

I enjoy that you brought being inspired by those at high vibrations, while inspiring those who have less experience into one system. There's the saying where if you find that you are the smartest person in a room, then you're probably in the wrong room.

I've been deemed an idiot by some, but brilliant by others and when people can affect my thoughts through what they write, even to the point of my opinion changing- I find the expansion itself to be a powerful skill that I want to hone myself.

I know that "mindless comments" can feel absolutely demeaning, and there are many times I wondered how much of my post was actually read.

shello steemit whiteboard.jpg

To keep myself motivated I have a giant whiteboard next to my desk that I review and work towards achieving everyday for Steemit. It helps me to know that I am not only writing for myself but for those who will be appreciative of my experiences and knowledge that I carry. I like to believe that natural selection will work in favor over time!

The intelligince cycle in full-circle. Others bring me to a higher-understanding, and I want to help others to do the same!


I don't know if I would say "smarter" than oneself, so much as with diverse perspectives and types of intelligence and a willingness to fully apply themselves in discourse. A lot of people are just lazy. Leaving them aside, I think it profits us less to talk to people who are better at the same type of intelligence we are strongest in than to discourse with people who see the world differently.

I could say A LOT about that idea, but let me give you just one example.

Many years ago I lived in Bali, Indonesia. I rented a house in the rice fields that I found after just 3 days there. It was lovely, but it had no hot water. I developed friendships with other Westerners living there and discovered that all their houses had hot water. So then I was on a mission to find a new house in the area that had hot water.

I put the word out among my friends and would occasionally be told of a house I should go see that was up for rent and had hot water. For a year I kept going to see such houses, only to be told ultimately that the house was no longer available. I started thinking there was some sort of racial discrimination at play, since that was the only thing I could see that was different about me and my friends telling me about the more modern houses and having them themselves.

It was probably a decade later that it hit me that I was trying to understand the situation through an American lens, but it didn't fit the situation. In America, landlords will compete for tenants. If three houses sit empty on the same block, unless renter demand is many times the pool of available units, the landlords will compete with lowered prices, free weeks, or various perks to try to get the tenant rental income for themselves. Not so in Bali.

What was happening was that I was renting from a village elder. In retrospect, I saw that each interview would take a turn once they asked me where I lived and I told them. They wanted me as a tenant right up until they realized they would have to take a tenant from a village elder in order to do so. Then they had absolutely no interest. It is something they would never do. Maybe because of loyalty or maybe fear, because the village elders hold the power there, but either way they would not rent to one of Bapak Sadri's tenants.

Now a Balinese person could have explained this to me had I understood enough to even raise the issue with them. The person might not be nearly as intelligent as me when it comes to the ability to analyze such a situation, solve for X, or utilize any of the forms of intelligence I've received extensive training in. But they hold a type of cultural wisdom that is incredibly valuable to me.

The situation itself taught me to see my own filters, to see the assumptions of my culture and realize there was another way of assuming what is reasonable. This to me is the most useful type of learning. It's why I'm always searching Steemit for posts from new people, often talking about things I don't normally write about myself.

Nice to meet you.

Having lived in Bali for 5 years, I can attest: logic, sense, and rationality are not the norm there. Lol.

Interesting that you were able to uncover the reason for the dilemma, though. :-)

There were sooo many things I figured out later. Like how I was basically cussing out the mob one day for what I considered atrociously unprofessional customer service. (Yeah, didn't realize they were the mob at that time.) Times I negotiated a little too hard and walked away paying so little I felt guilty, but the other person not feeling they could save face by letting me increase my offer price once I realized they were too desperate not to accept even a below cost offer. And on and on. So much learning among such simple people.

Very true. The more intelligent you become the more stupid people you will be surrounded with. But patience is the key. The ability to exhibit your natural flair and aptitude will make you outstanding.

I guess an interesting question to ask might be, is intelligence the best indicator of success in our world?

Are we here to be smart? Or can meaning be derived from less cerebral pursuits?

Intellectualism breeds its own form of arrogance I think. There is nothing the intellectual likes more than the sound of his own ideas.

Conscientious endeavor may be a better indicator of success in life. A purposeful and productive life.

@rok-sivante I liked the way you explained emotion . A person can be emotionally attached to his family frd children .Such a interesting thing how your senses can take you back to a place and time.I love the idea that, if you are in control of your emotions and can decide how to react, you can choose to not react at all. An important lesson.

Its a pitiable pity how intelligent people are always surrounded by dummies. Stupidity is a choice and is hugely subscribe by lazy people.

Thank you for this! I have been on a mission the last few years to really work on my self after leaving a very toxic relationship. I've done a lot of self searching and educating and some of the people I would previously associate with began to stick out to me. They were the kind of people to cry when their own actions got them in trouble, or closet drug addicts.. Art and learning are what I enjoy aside from spending time and teaching my children what I know. Still on the search for some people I vibe with and can see myself creating some awesome content and maybe even businesses with.

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