
I understand what you're saying @rok-sivante.

Even though I have an incredible example of what a happy faithful marriage is between my own parents, I have never really had a deep interest in being married or feel that being single would be a problem for me.

It took some moments in your life (whatever you believe personally, I don't think "coincidence" can cover all that has happened to get you and your fiance together) of great reflection and extraordinary circumstances to get you to this point.

I'm open to the idea of marriage, but getting married just out of fear of being alone seems like a foolish endeavor to me.

"live each day as though it were your last,"

Is something I may consider adding visibly to my body as a tattoo (I have two that are only visible when I want them to be). I do want to make the most of my time on this earth.

Sometimes we focus so much on death, like when a loved one nears their final resting place, but other times we feel invincible.

As casually as we toss around "See ya later," we never know if that statement will ring true and we will see that person alive again. Very few things are certain in life, but death is one of them.

I'm excited to see what path you and your wife embark on together as you grow as a married couple. I don't think your wife is on here, (unless I missed her posts) but I'd love to hear her version of the proposal you made and what went on in her mind as I'm sure she must have had some interesting feelings and questions that arose. Maybe you could write her thoughts in a follow up story or she could try writing herself, but I would definitely be interested in hearing her perspective on that time in your lives.

You write with such depth and honesty and I really appreciate that. You don't paint yourself as anyone above anyone else. You tell it like it is, flaws and all. There's a lot of bullshit in the world of people trying to write flowery prose and make everything happy, but that's a pipe dream. Life has ups and downs, and I think you have a unique ability to capture it in your writing.

Congrats rok-sivante! May you two live a happy and joyous life together Bro!!! Btw...Is this the "First Steemit Wedding" on record? lol

Ha ha. I was planning on making a "first official Steemian wedding" post - though have since changed my mind and would prefer to keep it private... :-)

Lol...Cool my man:) Enjoy!

Congrats Mr Rock-Sivante, I wish you a nice and prosperous life. Your life story reminds me of myself and definitely is an interesting one worth admireing. If you wish to pop-up to Croatia on your way back or your honeymoon it would be a privledge to host you...Cheers, Damir

thanks mun. not for the honeymoon, but may head there sooner or later. will keep the invite in the back of my mind... :-)

Congratulations!! Your story of transformation and improvement has been an inspiration for the community. I wish you all the best man!

What's Maktub by the way? Destiny?

thanks bro.

I got "maktub" from Paulo Coelho's book, "The Alchemist..."

I can't remember exactly, though its translation is something along the lines of, "so it was written..." :-)

(REALLY great book to check out if you haven't read yet!)

Sounds like you have found the "Oasis & the treasure" ! Good Luck young man ! Best Wishes to the BOTH of you !
Wonderful Story !

Congratulations and best of luck:)

Congrats Rok you landed yourself a real beauty! I hope you guys have a beautiful wedding day and a wonderful life together! I can definitely relate a lot to you in the commitment department. Im still young but I definitely have trouble finding myself majorly committed, whether it be a job a girlfriend or just school. Hopefully things will change though. Good luck friend!

Thanks mate.

No sweat... in hindsight, its best I didnt make major commitments, otherwise would have gotten locked up in the wrong things. No problem in explorations and getting a taste of diversity while young... :-)

Relationships are such rich areas for self-exploration and expansion! It’s inspiring to hear people vulnerably and openly share their stories of love and connection (and challenges!) as we collectively learn to navigate past the poor models of male/female partnerships that have been laid before us, as we learn to come back to divine balance. Thank you; this is really touching. Blessings to you both!

amen to that. thanks. :-)

Congratulations on the upcoming wedding! It sounds like both of you are heading for a marvelous adventure. Make sure to keep everyone posted. :)

thank you. it feels so - we've come a far way, yet only the beginning of another pretty fantastic journey ahead... :-)


@rok-sivante Congratulation to both of you. Wishing you all the best and lots of love. So happy for your happiness :)

thank ya. :-)

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