
Its look great article. I dont understand english well, so I cant to know what you talking About on this article. I'll translate it soon.

I have upvote your article and steem on my friend

I totally agree about the conceptions and how our own perspectives are based on a broken world. Not even broken so much but just old and busted. We continue to build on top and we are bound to run into sink holes and those things hurt when you follow through. Question, just to get your opinion... I have had a stressful time over the last few years. In it, with each thing my insomnia has gotten worse. Personally, I am aware that lack of sleep is because I am avoiding dreaming but I will not be awake for 3 days at a time on a pretty routine schedule. No drug use other than weed or anything. This is just my brain on mania. In your opinion, when a person routinely goes without that sleep recharge, what do you think that would (esoterically speaking) do to the body, memory function and emotions?


One other piece to add in that came to me while waking up this morning...

I was listening to Robert Anton Wilson all day during a road trip yesterday and there was one part that stuck out in relation to this. He said that there were some Indian gurus who'd said that some people end up messing themselves up with psychedelic drugs because it opens the 3rd eye chakra to all kinds of energies - but alot of people don't first open their heart chakras to access the love needed respond wisely and transmute alot of what they open up...

when lacking sleep, the pineal gland might be more active than normal, linked to the delta brainwaves that might be amped up in the half-sleep state - wait no, that's incorrect as pineal links with gamma, and I can't piece out why that pineal still might be overactive when not sleeping, but feel I can't totally retract that statement even if unable to explain right now - and that'd be where more of the sensory distortions occur - cuz it could get more difficult to distinguish boundaries, especially if the body chemistry is out of balance, "the heart chakra isn't open" / the wisdom hasn't yet been activated to effectively transmute whats getting opened up, and/or there are twisted beliefs warping the incoming sensory info - which could, in a sense, be coming up to get reprogrammed or wiped clean.

smoking weed could accentuate this too, as it stimulates / opens up the deltas. and if the "heart chakra" isn't functioning at full capacity - which it might not be, given the stresses active - there may be more challenges in effectively flowing through and transmuting the broader spectrum in the deltas. emotional stresses (low alphas), chemical imbalances (betas), corrupted belief systems (low thetas), or pineal hinderances (gammas) could all accentuate the chaos as going deeper into the insomnia, as the higher concentration of energy/memory (especially deltas) is getting backed up and isn't being stabilized - whereas sleep would normally serve to process alot of what'd be getting backed up and generating the mania instability.

that's all a bit more complicated look on the whole system - though RAW's explanation of people getting messed up on psychedelics because the "heart chakra" isn't functioning optimally (tied into potential emotional stresses) before opening up the pineal came back as a more concise explanation from the "esoterically-speaking" aspect you asked about. ;-)

I really like and agree with your concept and I'm very happy that someone is exploring this space. At the end we are just organic machines. Very complex, but still the same and we are able to understand lot of our complexities if we think of us this way which seem to be exactly the angle you are coming from. Very glad you are writing this. Thank you and keep it up!

Your welcome.

Organic machines... partly. There’s gotta be more to it than that - don’t wanna get into the “spiritual” mumbo jumbo with talk about souls or spirits or such.... though perhaps those terms might be fitting - and these are just biological machines we’re taking for a ride through this particular dimension for a stretch of time.

Many angles to all of these perspectives - as as we look at them from a more systematic framework, we can begin to understand better what we’re working with and how to navigate this trip more harmoniously... 🙏

(P.s. the last part has been posted here in case you missed it)


This text really shows the magnitude of knowledge you hold in that brain of yours!
ps. Did you get my tweets?? 😊

correction: I don't hold it in my brain.

No memory or knowledge is actually stored in the brain, for that matter. Part in cellular tissue, part in the genetic code.

Though the magnitude doesn't come so much from either of those, either - as much as pre-access to streaming from quantum. Very interesting advances in these departments coming soon... ;-)

(and just saw the tweets now, as don't spend too much time on Twitter)

Please be mindful that depression doesn’t go overnight and that’s why we must continue our effort to get rid of from root. The simplest formula I have figured out is through this web site with their 15 Supplements. I am slowly following this and it has really helped my life get better and being more powerful with how I go about doing things!

Yeah, nutrition plays quite a big role in assuring proper chemical balance - can make a huge difference.

This is deep as fuck man. Can't say I fully comprehend.

What did come to mind is the Reticular Activating System.

Therein, we can wire our brains anytime we want. I guess?

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