
Hi Rok, been a bit I showed up like this on your post, a part of me has identified with you, through your tutelage, assistance and experiences your words of advice has come through for me in various ways, I'm grateful for meeting you.

This life is so complex Rok, one time I get it, the next moment, I don't, but I know that all my life I've always fought for what I love for what makes my spirit feel complete as a human being, and it has either made me who I am or is making me who I will be.

It might be weird to you that the things Ive learnt through your posts, I haven't learnt them from anyone else, I know a part of who I will be is dependent on how I have used the opportunity presented my way, knowing I need to learn a lot in this life, and honestly you're all I've got as regards learning this life, I humbly invite you to my posts, I love to write, I'm still working to making my writing better, but I love to write poetry too, some seem like song lyrics, I honestly call them all poetry, what I know is that when Im writing these pieces Rok, its like an exciting spirit is flowing through my fingers, Its like i'm in a trance, I've written them in thousands, I write them everyday, they are on my blogpost, its a lifestyle for me, I love it, I could be doing things entirely diferent and these words just form pieces, by pieces, like magic, and sometimes I want to cry, and sometimes, they make me smile, It cant be wrong to have these feelings, please can you through your experience in song writing and poetry and life tell me I'm not moon walking in my life. I cant sing, my voice is frogg-est, but people sing lyrics right? And there are writers right? There's a place in this world for me right?

I have an annoying nature of staying in my shell, but for some reason you have reached out to me this is me reaching back.

How can I get better? I feel stuck, help!


It’s rather easy to see bullshit outside ourselves. It’s not always as easy to acknowledge it within ourselves.

This is very true, every individual can relate to this. It is very easy to be a fault finder, so easy to see incompetences in our fellows , easy to condemn others despite being worth encouragment. It’s just like the analogy of a kettle calling a pot black . Every human thinks he’s the better one.

I try in my own ways and putting the understanding of the law of attraction I try not to be involved in negative criticism, cause whatever scale you judge others by , you shall definitely be judged by it.

But today I know this


I’m sorry.
Please forgive me.
Thank you.
I love.

Thanks for impacting knowledge sir 🙌

Very well said, @rok-sivante! There are some people who can be like a mirror where you can see yourself reflected. Many of the people who are around us in one way or another speak of our virtues, defects, shortcomings. Energetically we attract what we need. Some people serve to inspire us, but others come as a slap in the face for you to awaken. I like the way you see the ego: in layers. And yes, certainly! Just as there are people who must use layers and layers of makeup to cover their defects, so it is with the ego. There are people who are lined with ego, and even if you take away the first 100, you will surely find that there are still many more layers. I want to think that the human being is intelligent enough to turn around and see himself reflected in the footprints he leaves behind, but also, to be able to start another path, somewhere else, in a different way. Mutability exists and is healthy! It is always good to read you. Nice weekend.

Highly rEsteemed!

Bacon Hoponopono.JPG

It always means a lot - your opinion highly-respected. 🙏

Getting out the glass in our own eye is usually the problem. We are all masters when it comes to other peoples lives. The real test of substance is conquering ourselves and facing the flaws in us first.

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