The Hungry Look in People’s Sights

in #life7 years ago

Suzanne Britt Jordan’s “That lean and hungry look” is a comparative reading that reflects some differences between the thin and fat persons. All of those comparisons are based on empirical facts and are written in a concrete way with exactly the words needed in each part of the development of this text. The author tries to write always in third person, making an exception when she relates parts of her life where she lived something that could help the fact that she is developing at the moment. These comparisons are derived from the “Julius Caesar Act” where Suzanne says that Julius Caesar was right saying that the men that think too much are dangerous.

This critic made an implicit advice on not to have the behaviour of the standard person because thin peoples are bored, get worried for so many things and they have a lot of things that a fat one could have easily. Although fat people should have things that thin individuals have. Britt visualizes two groups of people that are completely different, stating in all sentences contrary facts between fat and thins. In this way, those fat people end like the funny persons that enjoy every second of his life, or as an individual that doesn’t get influenced by physical aspects.

Throughout this excerpt can be noticed that the words are used in a realistic way. It shows how the stereotypes could help both of them, letting them know the wins and losses that a person could have making some decisions or evading them. Although the author tries to defend the fat folk, she says the mistakes that they do it is evident that based in her words the thin people are a threat for the humanity for its lacks of amiability and their interests.

At the beginning of her lines she let the reader know that she has been watching the thin people and that they were dangerous; however, she doesn’t evilize the thin persons, instead she observed another goods facts of them, where she talk about they get worried about their food and their health and activity. Through these examples, Suzanne’s tone and mood within “That lean and hungry look” are vigilant and worried respectively. In this way, Suzanne expresses reality in their words expressing the freedom that lean in a hungry look.

The main theme of this critic with a neutral tone; would be the stereotypes that day by day the people think. All of this is caused because everyone has a different type of life and sometimes the folks put same behaviours in the same type of persons. In this text could notice the differences between two human being that could be influenced by the society, that indirectly every day are judging each part.

Through “That lean and hungry look” could demonstrate that everybody has different personalities that can be built based on their learnings, hearings, etc. In this way, she made two groups of people (fat and thin) that are judged in many ways, since the dressing, feeding, activities, feelings, until their thoughts. Both of them are persons that live and learn, that get hurt and cure, and in this way of life: ends up feeling and protecting in ways that can be helpful for them. All of this helps to end jogging instead of chilling.

However, the truth is not written in the text, because everything changes every second; and not all the skinny folks are lovers of math.Having said the above, stereotypes could be a damage in the society, because it conditions our thoughts by the laws that we see in our environment ending in a wrong conclusion. In the future case that someone named “A” reads the essay by Suzanne and “A” believes completely in the facts shown by Suzanne could end in a misunderstanding; when the person “A” knows a person “B” (thin), and “A” assumes that “B” is a math lover, would end bad in the case that “B” hates math. Based on this, when it comes about people stereotypes or laws could be wrong.

Although it seems to be fair that Britt writes stating those differences between these two conditions of life, because depending on how you live you would end being fat or thin. They are ruled by the food that they eat, the exercise they do, their day rhythm, and so many facts, that describe what kind of person you are. In fact, it is possible to change the word “fat” by “lazy” and “thin” by “active”. Without saying that this is a life law, because being a “law” would fail because it is not true all the time and the principles are not to slip.

Clearly this Essay would fit as some observatory facts, helping to difference and acknowledge the ways of life that can be held by the society. This statement would mean that some people as individuals are not conscious about their activities and their possibilities; carrying their lives and their health as if they were anything, but the fact is that the way as each one treats themselves is the way you would succeed or fail.

Works Cited

Britt, Suzanne. “That Lean and Hungry Look”. Model For Writers, 11th ed. Alfred Rosa and Paul Eschholz. New York: Bedford/ St. Martins, 2012. 499-502. print.

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