Finding Christ: Part 2

in #life7 years ago

Following from my previous post, a few days past I found myself accompanying a course mate (A solid Christian) to a talk being held arranged by the University Christian Union.

Sat in a room with a handful of people all members of the Christian Union I could not help but feel out of place, like a tourist. The talk was by someone from outside the Christian Union, some guy talking about how he came to faith following his addiction to partying, drinking, taking drugs, screwing strangers and partaking in all manner of sinful behaviour. However his talk really resinated with me, particularly after the recent event of having a wild night a few days before which made me really look at myself.

But the talk alone was a mere piece of the puzzle in regards to my process of finding faith. After the talk was over, they closed with prayer. I sat there alone whilst everyone around me sat hunched over with their heads bowed in prayer. At that point I felt a strong warm sensation pass over me as if someone had poured a bucket of warm water over my body. You could argue this is just the feeling of awkwardness being sat in a room alone thinking you cant relate to these people whilst you stand (or in this case sit) alone. But this is NOT what awkwardness feels like.

There was and is to this day no doubt in my mind...

What I was feeling was a presence, much like a warm embrace. When you're in the wrong, and someone puts their arms around you and say "it's okay", "it's okay, you don't need to be worried anymore".

Why would I have ever been worried...

In the back of my mind all my life I knew there was something bigger than ourselves, I did not know what exactly. So I stamped on that notion and shoved it to the deepest and darkest part of the back of my head. Never to be dwelled upon or provoked, until now.

I asked my friend and course mate what I could do next to explore this further. She suggested going to Church (pretty obvious I suppose...). So I did. I was given a time and location. I walked down into the town alone, went in alone and sat alone. All deliberately so not be influenced by anyone on entry.

The timing of all this was uncanny, all the Christian Union bunch from the University were away, which meant no distractions or influence from them, or importantly from the individual who took me to the talk. This I feel was essential, it was integral to separate myself from any kind of external thought or influence from anyone while I sat and absorbed what was being preached.

At the end of the service I sat alone for a few moments now accepting beyond any possible shed of doubt, Jesus was sent to us by God, and died for all our sins. This was the absolute truth take home message from this experience. Not long after I was sat alone after the sermon, I was approached by a few people as I had never been before they'd noticed me and came and spoke to me. I can't remember exactly what they said or asked me now, I just remember opening my mouth and trying to speak but all I could do was just fall into tears and cry hysterically.

Tears of joy and relief...
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There was now certainty in my life, I was cleansed of any kind of doubt from that point forward. I cannot put into words how good that feels.

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