A new perspective: The less privileged

in #life6 years ago (edited)

In every society there is struggle and an imaginary division among it's citizens. I'm not talking just about racial, religious and even political differences but most especially economical status and how we see or treat them.

We all know that the "poor" is labeled to be trouble makers, we often doubt them and we are very cautious around them for us to avoid being mugged. We see them as dangerous or others as inferior basing it on the highest educational attainment or job of that individual. But this post may change some of those prejudices.

These are some of my real life experiences with these kinds of people.

At one time in our province I unexpectedly been out late. There are less vehicles in going home. I rode a jeep to the city and asked the driver what time or where I can see a jeep going home. As he drives along he carefully watches the jeeps we pass by and when he saw one he immediately informed me that there is still one available. I thanked hima nd got off and as I look back he did not drive away without making sure I get on safe and it's the right route for me. I felt safe and happy that he cared for my safety. He is like a father looking out for his daughter.

Second, at a local fast food chain yesterday I saw a scene that shows some ragged street children making a commotion outside. And they were shouting something to a woman who passed by but the woman ignored them. Turns out the woman dropper her wallet and the street children were trying to return it to her. One child said "we were calling you but you just kept on walking". She then tanked them and seems to be a little embarrassed that she must have thought these children just wants to beg money from her. That made me smile.

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Another one is, for the many travels I've been to, we usually talk to the locals about directions and inquiries about their place. I never saw one ignored us and they are more than willing to talk to you. They take their time to give you the right information and sometimes gives you tips and gives you some warning about some places or people you need to avoid. And some great recommendations too.

Locals or those people you tend to interact with in a foreign land or basically the blue colored jobs are friendlier. They will make time to talk to you either small talk or when you need help. They don't to make you feel that you are bothering them at all.

These locals are mostly street vendors, sari sari store owners, tricycle/jeepney drivers, security guards and the like.

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Next, I now believe in the phrase "People who have less tends to give more". I saw a street child eating piece of bread and she broke it in half and gave some to a stray dog. That melted my heart.

Also one homeless old woman keeps her kitten snug and warm while she sleeps on the cold cement floor on the streets at night.

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And another time we rode an elevator in a famous mall and there's this elevator staff, the one who pushes the button on what floor you will get off to. And all the while he is all smiles, he even sang and all people who thanks him he responds with a very perky "you're very welcome". Ohhhh he just enjoys and love his job. What a spirit. Also it gives a positive vibe to the customers. I hope we can all be like that.

There are a lot of these little things we may not notice but it's great to see these people's attitude, that despite the financial struggles they may have they still maintain a positive outlook and selflessness while the whole world is so busy making more and more money.

I guess they don't let money define themselves. They are humble and have humility than most people I know. I am glad to have witnessed all these. I hope we can learn from them. :)

Sending some positive vibe to your day and thank you for dropping by. :)

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