Dear friends, I have a small quiz question for you = who used the first ROBOT name? New version.

in #life7 years ago (edited)

Prosím čechy a slováky, upvotujte, resteemujte, jen odpovídat nemusíte, jde mi o cizince zda znají na tuto otázku odpověď.


Where did this word come from? Did you ever wonder who and why invented this word?
So I give the question it sounds:

Which one of these gentleman first used the word ROBOT???

  1. Albert Einstein

He was a theoretical physicist, one of the greatest scientists of all time. It is often described as the greatest scientist of the 20th century

  1. Karel Capek

Writer, intellectual, journalist, playwright, translator and photographer. .

  1. Norbert Wiener

Scientific Area: Applied Mathematics The most significant discovery: he founded a whole new discipline - cybernetics

  1. Nikola Tesla

Was a Croatian-Serbian inventor, a physicist and designer of electrical machinery, equipment and instruments, long-term living in America

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Prý ten název vymyslel sourozenec jednoho z uvedených pánů.


Díky za hlas, jen odpověď chci po cizincích, zda znají řešení

Jasný, promiň. =)

Dobrej nápad.

Dobrý zatím moc není, asi ti "cizáci" nemají rádi vědomostní otázky :-)

Do you have T.P. for my bunghole? I would hate for my bungholio to get polio.

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