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RE: Limited mobility | Unlimited stories: Felt my heart beat again

in #life4 years ago

@artemislives was trying to talk me into cardio for 'reasons' yesterday. I think seeing this post in my feed is a sign from the universe I have to actually do something to REALLY get my blood pumping. Noted. Thanks - we're gonna sign up for gym soon, although I really, really don't want to....


haha.... you asked for abundance and now you have it! Abundant heart beats, abundant health and abundant free boot camp coaches. PS changing the negative expectation and vocab will help loads. xxx

make this number four ladies @artemislives @soyrosa and @riverflows !
With getting back to Holland I need something (yeah its gonna be a 10 kilometer bikeride to work daily) to get me ready for this so I dont end up dead on the side of the road on the way towards there

ps roos: KUDOS!!

ps roos: KUDOS!!

<3 Thanks!

And yes yes yes, lol, start training now! I hope I will be able to get to the point where normal bike rides won't kill me either, maybe in spring or so :D #goals.

Lol - I see you're on a mission @artemislives! Good for you :D

Haha @soyrosa ...yup! 1 year in a wheelchair & 6 years on crutches, every part of your post resonates. I hated cardio when I couldnt. A little coaching & a change of mindset helped a lot. I now run with only an imperceptible limp & little pain. And I LOVE it, cos I CAN. 😍 Wishing you easy & speedy recovery & endless runners' high.

Wow @artemislives - sounds like you've gone through quite a journey yourself! I'm so happy for you that you're even able to run! I'll never run or walk a lot anymore unfortunately, the bone in my foot is permanently damaged and will only damage more of the bones surrounding it as it is 'scraping' cartilage of it the more I use it. They can't operate on it and the only thing I can do is wear semi-orthopedic shoes which prevent the foot from 'unrolling' too much. My only prospect from here on is that it's going to get worse, and instead from getting out of the wheelchair I might end up in one in the end.

But as I said, I now only walk 2000 steps on average a day (in reality it's more 4000 one day and then 'rest day' the next) and who knows if I can bring that to 3000 steps even... That's a win. And that's what I'm going for.

Cheers <3

Haha! Ohhh I know the really, really don't want to... - and I've postponed it for ages. If this post plays even a tiny role in your decision to take (even more) care of your health then I'll take it though :D Good luck and maybe we can motivate each other somehow :')

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