Kief Sunday
Gonna have a Kief Sunday
Make it a funday
Got enough saved for forty days
Gonna make it a oneday
On my kief sunday
Kief translates as happiness or pleasure in Arabic. I believe that is what Kief is. Tiny crystals of pure pleasure, hard earned by grinding refinery, and burning the excess. It is a tough life being a Kief miner. You toil, and you grind, and burn up all that product, until you got a kings worth of Kief. Time, is the only difference. the destroyer of all things, between having it, and not having it, ... it is an eternal cycle of collect and burn. Forever requiring greater global harvests of weed choppening earth wide, to collect the Kief particles until one becomes a Chief Kief.
I heard George Lucas once say back in his cool 80s era, that "the force is the Kief particles man! That's why Yoda is on Dagobah, grinding it all up, making that sweet Kief, getting ready for the harvest of the millenia, breh!"
And I was pretty sure it was George Lucas, even though it was the 80s and everyone was on LSD and looked like Steve Jobs and ///George Lucas, and I was a baby.
Baby Yoda really saved that Star Wars universe.
Chief Kief Miner