The phenomenon of "LESBIAN GAY BISEKSUAL, AND TRANSGENDER (LGBT)" is rejected or supported ???steemCreated with Sketch.

in #life7 years ago


The behavior and phenomenon of LGBT has long been happening in Indonesia as well as in other hemisphere. But LGBT has become an issue and topic of discussion involving new countries and international institutions just recently.

For the people of Indonesia who are still faithful to religious norms and traditions, it is very natural that they are opposed. Moreover, the reason they are not only religious norms, but also feared will affect the growth of adolescents who are still in the process of identity searching, so that will lead them to a lifestyle that is considered to violate customs and social propriety.

For human rights defenders, LGBT is the right of someone to be respected. So inevitably the emergence of the pros and cons of those who discuss from the psychological side of scientific, theological analysis, and public policy that must be taken by the government.

Love is a feeling that indicates an interest in something. Something loved can be things, as well as humans. Because of the love of something, can make someone will keep trying to fight even continue to keep something that he loves will always be safe. Especially the love of human beings, sometimes the love that arises to humans will make people forget everything.

The intention of forgetting everything like, love can make us forget that much work we have to do, love can make us forget with the state of ourselves, even love can make us forget that we love are the same kind, etc. its. Of course the consequences are very harmful to humans, especially the love of the same sex or who is now famous by the name of LGBT. Love to same-sex is certainly not a good thing, especially in our country Indonesia which the majority is a religious society.

LGBT is an abbreviation of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender. Lesbians are where a woman is attracted or likes to women as well. Gay is where a man is attracted or likes to men as well. Bisex is someone who is interested in or likes both men and women. While Transgender is a condition where a person has different gender and gender, such as a man has a female gender. LGBT is a deviation of human nature as a creature of God. That's because the purpose of human life is to multiply, of course, in breeding must be done by two different sexes, and a definite breeding done by choosing the opposite sex that he loves. In addition, humans who are born with male gender, must have gender and act as men, as well as women.


From LGBT abnormalities of course there are causes of background, such as:

  • Family Factor
  • Factors of this family greatly affect, such as:
  • Parents too restrain their children, this can make the child fall into the things that are not good
  • Lack of religious education since childhood. The cultivation of religious education to children since childhood will certainly make the child has a good character and always accustomed to doing good things.
  • Abuse treatment from parents or relatives. For example a girl whose father or brother brings up, this will create a fear or trauma to the girl and will consider all men the same.
  • Genetic Factors
  • Genetic factors are usually derived from the parentage of parents who have LGBT, so it will be infected to their children.
  • Environmental and Social factors
  • Environmental factors and interaction is very influential, such as:
  • Bad association is lived by someone who can plunge a person into a bad behavior. Like children who usually get affection from parents, but the child is friends with friends who like to consume drugs, free sex, and like the same sex. Then the possibility of the child can fall into the bad things.
  • The entry of western cultures that change people's mindset. Like foreign cultures that allow free sex, people whose mindset changes will follow the free sex that will certainly make the person fall into the things that are not good and can make people become LGBT.
  • Educational Factors
  • The educational factor is of course very important, because with education people will be taught where the good things and where the bad things. The higher the level of education the more science is gained. With the amount of knowledge that is obtained of course LGBT behavior will be spared.

From LGBT this will certainly cause some negative impacts both within the community and for people with LGBT, including:

  • Increases the number of diseases
  • Incurable diseases because LGBT is very much, such as anal cancer, oral cancer, HIV / AIDS, etc.. These diseases arise because of LGBT-free sex behavior. Like anal cancer, this happens usually because of gay couples who have sex. Then mouth cancer, this happens because of oral sex behavior performed by men or women by changing partners in sex. And for HIV / AIDS occurs because of unhealthy sex behavior and very easily contracted with frequent changes of sex partners.
  • Social impact
  • Social impacts that will be felt, such as the bad stigma from society to people with LGBT, ostracized the people with LGBT. While the social impacts felt by the surrounding community will certainly disrupt the social life because LGBT, it is because LGBT is not a good habit or culture in social life in Indonesia.

I think LGBT itself is a disorder that occurs in someone who makes a person into a lover of the same sex, or lovers to women and men, or become trasngender. If viewed from the side of religion, it is not a single religion in Indonesia that teaches or allows people to like the same sex, because humans are born bepasang-couples that aim to continue the descent, and religion also teaches humans to be a person who does not fit with his sex.
Meanwhile, if viewed from the side of Indonesian culture, LGBT very clearly contrary to the culture of Indonesia. Therefore, LGBT can not be accepted in Indonesian society. And many Indonesians stigmatize LGBT people and discriminate against those with LGBT. They do so for various reasons, such as fear of being carried away and being LGBT, fear of contracting with diseases caused by LGBT, embarrassing to associate with LGBT people, etc.
From the view of most Indonesian society, I disagree with their views and the way they treat LGBT people. That's because the LGBT people also have the rights that we certainly should not forget it. These rights include the right to life, the right to protection, the right to expression and so on. We as the people of Indonesia should not discriminate against people with LGBT, because in essence they also do not want to be born into a same-sex lovers or become trasngender.
In addition, we the people of Indonesia must apply the contents of Pancasila. In Pancasila the second precept says that 'Unity of Indonesia'. From this precepts explains us as the people of Indonesia must unite despite many differences in it. In the fifth precept it says 'social justice for all Indonesians'. From this precepts explains that we as our social society must be fair to all the people of Indonesia. Therefore we as a society must respect their existence (LGBT) in our daily life. In respecting them does not mean we support their LGBT behavior, but we must help them get back to the right path without LGBT behavior.

In helping to heal people with LGBT there are several ways that can be done, such as:

  • Assist by providing deepening of religious knowledge
  • The science of religion is very important, and the teachings are not deviant. So by conveying the bad behavior of LGBT and the sins that will be borne, it could help the LGBT people to change to normal.
  • Helps to introduce love to the opposite sex
  • This is a powerful enough way, because by introducing a sense of love to the opposite sex then it will open the minds of people with LGBT to turn into loving the opposite sex.
  • Helps provide support
  • In addition to both of the above, support or support from friends is necessary, because in the process changed a person with LGBT can not change by itself without the support of friends around.
    LGBT behavior is a behavior that deviates human nature as a creature created by God YME. It is said to be distorted because in essence man aims to continue the offspring that must be done with the marriage of the opposite sex, and usually in the marriage in it based on love. If viewed from the religious side, LGBT is a very deviating thing from the teachings of religions that developed in Indonesia.

I am sure the majority of people disagree on LGBT. However, in the past the community also knew about LGBT practices, but did not make them excited because LGBT was done in a limited way, quietly, did not show off and did campaigns, and did not have network with other LGBT communities.

With the presence of internet-based social media, the world feels more and more plural and colorful.

Those who feel as an isolated, lonely and oppressed minority group, are very active and effective using social media facilities to introduce themselves, to seek fellow ideology, and to fame.
For example ISIS movement based in Syria and Iraq, but very active, innovative, and aggressive looking for friends and supporters in various countries, including Indonesia.

This ISIS invitation received a response from those who have a similar fate and understanding. Disillusioned and angry at the circumstances, under the pretext of religion to uphold the divine shariah, although who knows in the subconscious is more motivated by the desire to change fate.

This ISIS phenomenon is so rapid worldwide thanks to social media facilities. The role of social media such as Twitter and Facebook is very big in spreading the virus of social and political revolution in Tunisia and Egypt, but now also very prominent in ISIS provocation.
So does the LGBT movement, so quickly become the national gossip thanks to social media and the condition of our society that is entering the stage of puberty democracy, as well as stuttering facing the wave of foreign capital and accompanying culture.

Against this LGBT issue, each side of the pros and cons must understand the position and argument of each. If the LGBT pro has remained actively aggressive in campaigning, it should be ready to respond back from the counter because Indonesia is not the West.

But certainly, it is not wise if there is expulsion and physical action against LGBT as befits a minority group that is considered heretical.

best regards @rijal123


saya komen foto yg org indonesia aja
LGBT memang bkn penyakit
tapi bayangkan sejenak
seandainya terjadi 80% di suatu negara
terus siapa yg akan jadi tentara
ketika perang terjadi dimana-mana
terus kalian mau lari kemana
siapa yg akan jadi pelindung kalian
berpikirlah jauh kedepan
jgn ingin enaknya aja sekarang
lanjut saudara

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