Day 1: History of myself

in #life7 years ago

I plan to create a history of myself. LOL, a record of myself. Hopefully one day I'll find a tool to easily extract bits of useful information from this big chunk of text. But is that what we're heading towards? Creating systems to analyse ourselves instead of BEING that system? Anyhoo, I want to learn from my mistakes and that is why I'm doing this.

I'm using a pencil, a paper and an eraser for this first draft. Is that counter-productive here? Are erasers counter-productive? Very early in our lives we're given a tool to easily rub erase our mistakes, and write over them. But the real world works in ink. Hell, it might soon work on blockchains, where every (hopefully) detail will be frozen.

I think mistakes should be celebrated. I think they should be easily accessible, and fairly accessed. But people are uncomfortable discussing their mistakes. Well at least I am, a little.

How can we increase our speed of expression? Every time I start writing my mind starts racing and my hands struggle to keep up. I don't know how many thoughts I've lost this way. It's why I hate writing. Not the idea of writing, no. But the task of marking a paper, or typing somewhere. Recording my voice doesn't help either, I run out of breath. There's a theory on how the language you use shapes your perception of time. How fucked does that make our languages?

But I have to start somewhere. In fact I'll do something more. Each day, without the help of technology's digital logbook, I'll try and remember what happened exactly a year ago. And I'll verify it the next day, to check how aware I am of myself.

1st January 2017

Woke up late. Talked to a friend I was supposed to go back with after the New Year break. Did a bit of work from home. Went out with family to have pizza at my mom's favorite place. Coffee afterwards. And I bought a comb for my beard. Wow. This is surprisingly clear. Or I have mixed up a few days. Experienced Deja Vu right now. This change of line, these particular words. Can't remember anything from the evening or night. Probably left for work that night itself.

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