This Can't Be Good

in #life6 years ago

I went to spend some time with my little Principessa yesterday morning- to deliver a load of Poppi's Sketti. I got home just after noon and made a sandwich. When I got upstairs I started feeling really weird... my heart was pounding out of my chest- I kept gulping air, but it didn't feel like I was getting any, even with my oxygen. I was pouring sweat out of my whole body and I felt like I was blushing really hard, but all over. When I tried to tear up the sandwich for Bruno, my hands shook so bad I couldn't control them.

I've got a bad feeling about this... like I'm not going to be around much longer. Bruno sat and stared at me like he knew something was wrong. Too make matters worse, I called my doctor this morning and her service told me she had a family emergency and quit to go home... now I don't have a PCP. I still feel shaky and weak. I'm going to try to keep posting- I have to keep some money coming in, there are too many people depending on me... I have to help my ex support Kayla. Please say a prayer for me- I need it!




Hello friend, I'm a medical surgeon and when I read your story I realized that you could have something quite serious, the symptoms are very unspecific but apparently it is related to a heart failure, can you describe other symptoms, do you have any basic illness, are you taking any medication? If you want to contact me for free advice just write me on the discord. @drmaizo#2105

@richq11 listen to him man, he's a world acclaimed doctor, not like those obamacare fucktards you have around. Message him please.

All the best dear Rich I hope the new doctor you find will give you the care needed, they say one knows when their time is up hope your wrong about this one Rich. Its been more difficult lately to get some money coming in with the price lower and poor little Bruno.

Dude, you need to call and ambulance or a taxi and go to the hospital! These are symptoms that can be a cardiovascular event. Your PCP wouldn't be able to help you anyway and a clinic would send you to the hospital. You can not walk 2 miles! Ask a neighbor to give you a ride!!!!! Dude, seriously, don't play with this! If you have a full blown heart attack, you very well could die.

If it keeps up or you have more spells, please just go to the ER. I am no doc, but it may be serious, so its worth getting checked out.

I went yesterday and I have an appointment with a cardiologist next week. Thanks my friend!!!

Dear @richq11, please don’t try to walk. You should already be at the emergency room if you are feeling so poorly. The stress of walking or thinking about things could make your situation worse. Do the little one a favor and get on down to the hospital so they can check you out. 🐓🐓Prayers up!

I'm going to go to the walk in, if they send me to the hospital, it doesn't count as an emergency room visit (they hammer my insurance). I need to get a bunch of stuff written first so I have some money coming in. Thank you for your concern, you're a lovely person and I treasure your friendship!!!

I will surely keep you in my prayers. May the Lord give you strength.

Much love to you brother.

Thank you Brother and for the donation! I hate to have to do this but I'm going to have to power down and visit my friends at the funeral home... it feels a bit like I'm giving up, but I'm NOT! It's just something that has to get done sooner or later- and I'm the only one with access to my loot. Thanks again- especially fro the prayers!!!

Do what you must to get by another day brother. Nobody will hold it against you. Times are getting more difficult for everybody it seems but I'm sure we'll get through it if we find refuge in Him.


I turned myself over to God on 1/6/88 and He's been in control of my life ever since (except for the times when I think He needs my help and He has to knock me down a bit). My only fear is not finishing whatever task He wants of me.

Hang in there friend. You didn't mention fever, but lukewarm water in a bath might help, as well as a cold washcloth on the forehead and back of the neck. Not sure if you check your blood sugar, but the shakes part made me wonder about it.

Try to stop thinking you won't be around much longer as the body tends to view thoughts as commands. And please try to find an alternate doctor asap. Do you have someone there who can help you do these things?

Thanks my friend! I've been looking for a new doc all day. I guess I may have to go the walk in. My blood sugar is fine- I take Berberine which keeps it between 90-125. I haven't had to take a shot in months. I'm afraid this is something cardio. I had a heart attack in 2014 and it didn't feel like this though. I feel a little better today, just weak. I'm going to try to do another music post tomorrow. I found some good info that traces it from Tavistock, the Frankfurt school, CIA, Military intel... all through the LSD craze being manufactured... blah, blah, blah!!!

Hello @richq11. Reading your post and the comments. I do pray you seek medical attention. I do understand worrying about the cost of an emergency room visit. I see you posted a reply about two hours ago in regard to using a walk-in with the goal of getting forwarded to a hospital. I do understand that aspect and hope you go the walk in very soon because time is of the essence here.

My mother has had three heart attacks and the symptoms you described instantly reminded me of the symptoms she would describe.

Prayers Up Friend.

I'm planning on going in tomorrow.

Hang in there, and take care of yourself! And of course see a doc if you feel something's wrong. Take care!

Thanks my friend... Good to hear from you!

God will preserve you @richq11, i believe so. I pray for speedy recorvery

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