Relativist Absolutism: America's Epistemological Decline

in #life6 years ago

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We live in a culture enmeshed in a moral (or immoral) relativism in which there are no longer it seems any universal truths... except the orthodoxy of the progressive relativists themselves creating a new set of absolutes... Confusing I know. This isn't political but the problem, however, bleeds over into the political culture as well- it's something profoundly deeper, an epistemology that governs how people view the world and the culture around them.

Cultural norms that we used to take for granted... things such as gender being a biological construct, or concepts like right and wrong are now subjectively determined- like art, in "the eye of the beholder." For minor issues this may have little impact, but what about fundamental moral prcepts such as "Thou shalt not kill"? What relativist standard do we apply to this? What gives one person's point of view on this critical issue more weight than another's? What if I find your haircut so offensive that I feel the need to have you eradicated- in a relativist society, why not? If there are no more universal truths, then anything goes.

Over the last several decades Americans have evolved, or devolved, depending on your point of view into a society dominated by relativism, where feelings and individual points of view trump truths held sacred for millennia. For example, in an 1800 question survey done by marketing specialists James Patterson and Peter Kim, most Americans now believe that the Ten Commandments are open to interpretation, if they have any relevance at all. If this is so, morals are situational rather than universal. Thou shalt not bear false witness (lie) has come to be viewed through the lens of "the end justifies the means" the same for thou shalt not steal... both precepts of Marxism. It's now all right to lie or steal as long as it's "for a good cause." The obvious problem, of course, good for whom.

No culture can exist for long without an indelible set of principles. In America it has been our Constitution underlied by Judeo-Christian principles. The attack on these principles began in earnest in the 1860's with the counter-cultural revolution. A nation that began as "one nation under God" predicated upon these values, backed by strong intact nuclear families has come under attack from Cultural Marxists that wish nothing more than to destroy it.

Every culture and every generation within it has its own spirit- its zeitgeist. To control the national episteme, its zeitgeist, the Cultural Marxists must first control the language of debate. This is accomplished by control of the educational system. The American Epistemological Revolution began in the 1930's when the Frankfurt School moved to Columbia University and commenced their nefarious attack. The weapon of choice is the educational system designed by John Dewey, a Cultural Marxist. They understood that having access to people's minds during their formative years will ultimately determine their moral outlook in later life.

Generation by generation the episteme has changed, to the point where nuclear families have been almost destroyed, and the values along with it. Father Chad Ripperger does an excellent job tracing the decline generation by generation, by examining the prominent characteristics of each generational spirit- its zeitgeist. If you're an anti-Catholic bigot that believes that all Catholics follow the Satanic/Free Masonic Vatican II Cult, this probably won't do you any good- your mind is already closed. However, although Fr. Ripperger, who holds 8 advanced degrees, takes a spiritual approach, he identifies from a secular perspective as well, some astute observations about how generations indeed have their own spirit. I certainly recognized a lot of things from my own generation. If you're not interested in generational demons- how demons can affect families from one generation to the next- you may want to start around the 9 minute mark. He begins around 1900.

GIF by @papa-pepper



How did relativism spread? Part of it is Cultural Marxism, but they have to have fertile soil to sow their weeds. I think the soil is this: relativism is an ersatz substitute for decentralization.

The old United States was highly decentralized. Communities were mostly independent of each other. With that framework, you, your friends and neighbors could be as "absolutist" as you pleased. If Joe's in another community with different norms, it didn't matter how "absolutist" you and yours were: it didn't affect Joe and his community. And vice versa.

The trouble came with centralization. Joe, Dick and Harry, all from different communities with different norms, were squeezed together into one super-community and they had to get along. In war time, the glue is called "Sergeant" ;) In peace time, the adhesive is relativism.

As you pointed out, that adhesive is also a dissolvant. Relativism is not only facilitating centralization but is also dissolving the norms that keep the super-community functioning!

I don't know how this crisis will be resolved, but I do know from history that the only stable multicultural nations are either very decentralized (Switzerland), monarchical (Austria-Hungary), or authoritarian.

Interesting point of view Buddy, and one I hadn't considered! I'm planning a post on decentralization in regards to how Jesus, the king of decentralization was trying to keep his ministry that way. The turning point was the Council of Nicea in 325 when the Church became an institution and began to centralize.

So it was. As for my viewpoint, it came from asking: "Why is that the relativists and Cultural Marxists have been so successful?" They have to have some lever (if you will) or else they would have been confined to Looniversity ranks.

Well, I share your opinion, although Austria-Hungary was not very stable, lived imploding, and that ended up destroying it, Switzerland for its part, despite being multicultural, the cultures that live under those borders are not so different, nowadays it could be said, in fact, that it is one of the most homogeneous countries in Western Europe.

"No culture can exist for long without an indelible set of principles."
So true!

The Framers based the entire house of cards on the assumption that people would hold to Christian principles... otherwise, it was over. Many, even Jefferson who was a Deist, recognized it!

Like i'm not a christian but I know their is a creator whether that be man, women, or some other force and by our creator we were endowed with unalienable rights, or natural rights that exist within us. I think people are coming to the conclusion that maybe government gives us rights, or that rights are something that was just "old ways." If we want to win this revolution were gonna need to believe at least the fact that their is a creator, and our rights come from within us. @richq11 great post!

Start the video at 9:00 and you'll be shocked how accurate it is

Yes sir. Without the values Christianity instills in people, this experiment is in trouble.

I could not agree more. America has been on a slippery slop morally and I fear we are picking up speed heading in the wrong direction.

Amen to that!

Hello my friend @richq11

Another masterpiece from you. Of course, people's mind is made to embrace a set of beliefs whether bad or good during formative years as you succinctly put it below...

They understood that having access to people's minds during their formative years will ultimately determine their moral outlook in later life.

However, no matter how deep are beliefs, every belief is subject to change and it is only a matter of time before it would be totally consumed or partially altered through cultural assimilation.

I had a good read here...tone sounding so philosophical which is my favorite subject.

@eurogee of @euronation community

I am glad for this post. I have thought of doing a post using the video as well but have not got to it yet. I saved it to my computer. A wealth of info here for those who wish to learn. We need to wake up the spirit of the sleepers. Thanks @richq11 for shinning the light in a darkened world.

Thanks my friend... I need all the kind words I can get. I'm beginning to feel like Sisyphus!

I'm reading this at the moment and it sits in well with your post. Apparently this guy was a pioneer and I have to say that I am impressed with what I have read so far.

I've bookmarked it- It looks interesting!

I'm too tired to give you a comment !

But an excellent post, sir!

I still don't see the difference between Absolutism and Relativism.

Absolutism is based on the premise that there are absolute truths. Relativism is that truth is subjective- that what's true for me may not be true for you.

realy nice post.good job.

it is true story

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