Random Thoughts

in #life7 years ago


They (whoever "they" are) say that the older you get, the mellower and tolerant you become. I wish someone would tell me what the cutoff age is because I'm still waiting and I'm still pissed off! I'm pretty sure I'm OK so I want to know what the hell is wrong with the rest of you people???

Nobody is responsible for anything they do. I started watching a series on Netflix called Occult Crimes... I got about half-way through the second episode before I realized that they were making excuses for these criminals. In one, a group of Goths murdered a family for their car (theirs was too small). "Experts" a bunch of psychologists, psychiatrists, social workers, journalists and other geniuses blamed parents, poverty, lack of education, not enough psychotropic drugs (one girl's mother couldn't afford her bi-polar medication)... everybody but the killers themselves. For crying out loud- I was waiting for them to blame the dead family for having a family van! I couldn't watch anymore.

Trigger words: Here's another thing that triggers me! Words like "Whiteness and White privilege" are starting to piss me off. Where do you get it... I must have missed the memo because I've had to work for everything I ever got... How do I get in on this? Did I miss the deadline? Is there someplace I need to go to sign up?

I watched a video of a woman who was clearly lying on YouTube (where else). I made a remark to that effect and had some idiot tell me that "I don't have the right to call her a liar." I replied (as tactfully as possible) that I do in fact have that right, it's called the 1st Amendment. I further stipulated that denying people the opportunity to point out falsehoods is one of the fundamental tenets of Fascism. You wouldn't believe the names she called me after that (I assume it's a she... maybe one of the in-betweeners). What particularly bothers me is that I put my life on the line to protect her right to be a Fascist... I wonder if she'd do the same for me???

Another thing that bothers me is Social Justice. What exactly is social justice? I assume it to mean fairness... a concept most of us outgrew by adolescence. The world isn't fair- it never has been and never will be and you can't change that. Why then do we have all of these overindulged, self-absorbed morons going around demanding the impossible... then causing untold amounts of damage when they don't get their way. Shoot 'em I say... after a few get whacked, the rest will go away- the one thing they lack most of all is courage... They, of course, lack many other things like integrity, intelligence, employment, etc..

Feminism: What in the world has happened to feminism??? There used to be women that fought for equal opportunity and we were all for 'em! How could not support equal pay for equal work??? Now they have these ridiculous looking, hideous beasts with purple mohawks screaming that they are not sexual objects... My response is- You got nothing to worry about!

I could go on all day with all the ridiculous goings on in this world... which I am apparently responsible for, being white and male... but I feel a trigger coming on! Thanks for listening!!!



Well said @richq11 🤝
Compassion for protecting the freedom of the individual to live their life as they see fit is paramount.
Judgemental jerks in our culture who unwittingly display a fascist mindset from a victim standpoint to gather sympathy for their agenda...
Stop it. Please.
I wonder how similar society in Rome was compared to ours right now...
Right before it BURNED

Funny you mentioned Rome... I was talking to a friend yesterday comparing the loss of moral direction and ethics today with the decline of great civilizations... seems to be a pattern!

The colosseum... MMA
Bread and circuses... Food stamps and reality tv
250 year average lifespan of empires...
America? If so, do the math 😕
Batten down the hatches kids, it's gonna get ugly

I've been locked & loaded for 25 years (if not more)

Great words of wisdom Rich

Thanks! I don't know about wisdom, it was more of a rant!

A Strange Thing Happened On The Way To... well, somewhere along the way, we took a wrong turn. My wife (born 1965) and I (born 1960) had to work our asses off for everything... but we also worked for equal opportunity.

Gen-X (1964 forward, in general) was the first generation who realized they would probably be worse off than their parents... but most gen-X'ers I know were still pretty hard workers.

Somewhere in there (1970's?) came the "positive self-esteem movement," which is where society started to award prizes for merely showing up; "participation medals." I can't help but think that's where the root of our mess today lies... "merit" was devalued. "Work" as the path to success was replaced with something more like a "lottery effect" where success was more "a matter of luck."

Now, we have three "Millennial" kids. They are more together than most of their generation... but the most noticeable thing that has changed is the "speed" of life. There's no doubt that technological and social developments are happening faster than they used to... that's just progress. But the unfortunate fallout... which is one thing we see in our own kids... is that the expectation of what it takes to get from "entry level" to "company manager" has shrunk... what used to take us 15 years is now "expected" to be done in 3. Well, not a realistic expectation.

So getting back to your rant, and @dwinblood's excellent comment... what IS all this social-justice-safe-space stuff anyway, but a way to try to "normalize" unrealistic expectations? The other thing that often bugs me is that we seem to have moved from a right to "equal OPPORTUNITY" to a right to "equality." That's just wrong. I'm all FOR everyone having an equal "starting line," but nobody's promised "equal outcome." The outcome is up to the individual and cannot be legislated...

You hit the nail on the head with the "self-esteem" movement! It ruined American education (and took the rest of the culture along with it!)

"In a time of universal deceit - telling the truth is a revolutionary act." unknown.

If anyone attempts to enforce their delusion on another, self defense is the correct course of action.

I think the quote is Orwell! I watched a video Gavin McInnes did on education... Talk about enforcing delusions!!! That's what public education has devolved into... enforced delusion!

That is what state education was always meant to be. It took them a generation to miseducate enough of the teachers that reason could be dispensed with.

Crazy... I read John Dewey! That's what you get for letting psycho (logists) design your educational system!

You already know about John Taylor Gatto and Charlotte Iserbyt. Here is a discussion expanding further. Learning history is like trying to drink the ocean sometimes. A bit of this, I knew before hearing this discussion, but to have the context woven before my eyes is very helpful.


Thanks! It'll give me something to watch tomorrow after I write a chap of my story!

There is other great stuff on this channel, and the website, much of it is audio. Some of it is of exceptional length 12+ hours for a podcast, One included the audio of a whole Rand Paul filibuster, that man's familiarity with natural law is tenuous, but the podcast is one of the best resources that I've run across.

The filibuster was very informative. Listening to the things 'our' leaders say is sometimes jaw droppingly insane.


I watched the Paul filibuster... I'll check out their channel. Life is learning- problem is that by the time you start closing in on "smart" you die lol!!!

The video is great and right on... I'm about an hour into it. The Rhodes connection and his blueprint is the basis for Tavistock Institute what Kevin calls a "web" is what I describe in my series on tavistock as the Kudzu Effect... it goes out in every direction making it almost impossible to track. One of the chapters, in fact, deals with the effect that Tavistock aligned institutions (both govt and private) have on education.

This is also related to the video series on the Maccoby's I sent you the link for... The CIA is MI 5 & 6's American counterpart... It all leads to Pizzagate believe it or not!

I agree 100% on ALL points. I never benefited from the "White Privilege" either. I have worked for a company where they wouldn't accept white applicants for a position we were hiring for because they had to meet their hiring quota of minorities. It had nothing to do with equality or skill.

Social Justice... GRRRRRRR Safe Spaces, etc...

Antifa = Anti-Fascists who act just like fascists... They really need to go back and study some history.

I've been calling the world "Backwards world" for awhile now.

We want to elect criminals to our highest offices...

If you report a crime, it is you who will be condemned rather than the criminals. (aka wikileaks, and other leakers)

The crime no longer seems to actually matter, they only care that someone TALKED about it.

We could go on... there are a lot of backwards things...

Scientists, or at least some people that use that label for themselves, who are not actually scientists because they don't follow the scientific method. Which following the scientific method is all you technically have to do in order to be a scientist.

Winston Churchill once wrote that The West will be taken over by Fascists claiming to be anti-Fascists... I'm beginning to see it! I know you're not a big religious guy, but the Bible talks about a time where good will be bad, bad will be good... basically everything will be inverted.

When I was finishing my undergrad work I was told I could have any PhD program I wanted... But forget teaching because I'm not black, a woman or gay. That was in the mid 90's... I probably couldn't even get into a PhD program today!

The scientific method is something else that's become inverted... They start with the conclusion and look for evidence to support it, ignoring (or ridiculing) everything that doesn't!

The Scientific Method has not become inverted.

People just are not following it anymore and calling what they are doing science.

The scientific method is a tool, it remains as it has been. Sadly many people tend to ignore it and Do exactly what you describe. The tool hasn't changed, but the people claiming to be scientists have.

antifa actually stands for ANTI First Amendment ;>

That would make their name at least fit with their actions. :)

"Now they have these ridiculous looking, hideous beasts with purple mohawks screaming that they are not sexual objects... My response is- You got nothing to worry about!"


Thanks for a good laugh! :D


Thanks... Usually good for a laugh!

my old saying was that maturity just meant you were too tired to give a shit

the dishonesty and wannabe tyranny of these people "make* you wake up regardless of how tired you are

I'm signing up for classes to become a disgruntled loner

it's an OJT career, but make sure you lie in a good stock of bourbon ;>

Regarding "white privilege," it is difficult to notice from the perspective of someone who's experiencing it. Having "white privilege" is not a bad thing, it's a privilege. The privilege is that you don't have to be aware of it.

Yes, we all face opposition and have to overcome obstacles to succeed. We all encounter unfair treatment to different degrees. But until we examine the world from the perspective of someone who faces daily opposition because of skin color, we have little reason to be thankful for the color of our own skin.

Regarding feminism and social justice, those in favor of equality are still around. In any sincere, positive movement, there will be those who try (and often eventually succeed) to hijack the movement and take it in an extreme or otherwise ultimately negative direction. This is the tactic of controlled opposition. Many of the people who contribute to this negative direction are not even aware they're doing it; they believe they're fighting for justice. They just haven't taken the time to understand what that actually means.

I'm convinced that many of the problems we're experiencing from these things you're talking about stem from the words themselves. Labels are fine for communication purposes, but as soon as we forget these words are merely representations of ideas, not "real things," we open ourselves to the pitfalls of making assumptions about people or ideas that seem to fit the label.

I think you'll find this conversation relevant and interesting:

I just came across this post, which also seems relevant:

The society of today has lost its morality. We govern from a position of amoralism. Amoralism isn't a way to guide a society. Amoralism allows for social justice, feminism, fascism, socialism, and every other ism. We need law and order to dictate all actions of humanity but instead we allow man to determine the rules for some and not the others. So the vicious cycle that we are stuck in continues. Republicans make rules for their kind and democratics make rules for their kind and those who are neither get left out.
When is the last time any politician has mentioned let's read the constitution and do what is written. Let's abide by the law and not by activist judges or politicians that want it their way. Nope we let Executive order rule the nation now. SMH

Why I read a lot of Thomas Sowell... He's one of the last vestiges of sanity left!

I wonder what the world will be like in 20 years

I fear what we've willed our grandchildren!

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