I'm Sorry- I'm Sorry- I'm Sorry: My Apologia

in #life7 years ago

I want to apologize for my behavior over the past weekend, it was inexcusable. I wish I could explain what happened, but I don't know myself. It began when I made $11.50 for a chapter of my story (which typically takes me 8 hours). Instead of being grateful, I freaked out because of the financial pressure I'm under right now- I felt like I had been kicked in the gut... literally! It went downhill from there.

The guy I take care of said I scared the shit out of him. I was walking around the house talking gibberish to my dog- who was looking at me like I had REALLY lost it... and I guess I did. I slept over 14 hours straight and feel better physically, but to show how much this has been bothering me- I haven't even watched my morning episode of Charlie Chan yet.

Anyways, please accept my humble apology- I don't believe in excuses so I won't even attempt one... What I did was inexcusable. I only sincerely hope you will forgive me and that I haven't damaged my reputation so bad it can't be repaired.

Thank you all for your support! I received many supportive comments for which I'm truly grateful. By the way, I need to power down about 100 SP... can anyone tell me how this affects things (other than voting power?)



You don't need to say sorry, dear friend!!! Every one of us have bad or nice time, it's human! When I have my "bad" moment usually I clean my house as a robot and I walk from room to room saying to Paolo "The house is not clean! The house is not clean! The house is not clean!" and I look like a crazy woman (ehm, more than usual). Friends are friends, in nice or bad moment ;)
(Ps: I like so much Charlie Chan)

Thank you my dear friend... I did need to say sorry- I forgot my gratitude and that's inexcusable. There's most of Charlie Chan on Youtube- that's where I watch.

Time to do the new NG chapter- it will be ready in an hour or so!

No apology necessary my man! We all have our ups and downs! Shows that you are human after all...........

Thank you... I guess I'm just exhausted- comes with old age!

Crikey! I think it was something in the air last week. Seems like everyone had a "moment". Heck, I mea culpa'd at least twice. I'm like you, Rich. I know I messed up, and I have no excuse for the way I behaved. But everyone thus far has been like "it happens. No worries. It's a new day". ESPECIALLY Steemians! People I genuinely don't "know", IRL. This is an extraordinary community!
So, let me say to you, my friend, "it happens. No worries. It's a new day."
(And to be honest, I don't know you well enough to know that you were having an "off" week. Suffice it to say, we all were. Maybe when the eclipse shuffles out of our path, things will return to normal.)

You're right... Must be the eclipse- Thanks!!!

You don't need to apologize man we love your articles. Keep writing articles we will always support you :)

Thanks... Time for a new Night Gods!

The road to balance is guaranteed to involve imbalance!
Powering down doesn't affect anything except your voting power.

Cool thanks... What I find inexcusable is that I lost my gratitude!

Rich, even as a young man myself(30s), I can tell you for a fact doing non-stop work and being online working/commenting/posting/writing/reading really can put me into the aggravated zone.

I really need some extra sleep today and tomorrow for sure. I am a little messed up on sleeping again. It is hard to be a person who thinks all the time, especially when you know there is so much more work to be done and posts to make!

I limit myself to not making many posts on Sat/Sun/Mon/Tue. Then on Wed/Thur/Fri I make a bunch of posts/comments. I have some side gigs I do on Bitcointalk forums where I make like 50 to 75 posts a week. That can be mind numbing and I have to type fast to get through it, but in the end I earn some small amounts of bitcoins and ETH :) which I will hold for years and be worth tons later.

I could sit here right now, for example, and make a hundred comments. I probably would get a few comments upvoted by whales and make a few bucks here and there, while others would earn a few cents and what not. Probably gain 20 followers or so. But I need sleep more than the money in my case.

I hope you do well and find a good balance. If you want some help promoting your book or blog posts let me know. I know a little bit about social media and twitter and how to get some things going.

I can't afford to take time off, my posts don't pay enough. I had hoped for a few more upvotes and resteems on the chapters of my story so I could post every other day and focus on the rewrite in between... but no such support. Good posts just get lost in the sea of garbage that Steemit has become

I've been talking with a few other content creators about an alternative to Steemit- one absent of spam, scammers and other ripoff artists (upvote beggars etc). maybe we can put one together

Rich - always here for ya. I can get that way, too. Glad don't have a dog that suffers me.

He's a good old guy! He's 13 or 14 and has cataracts and hip dysplacia. He'd be lost without me! (and me without him)

I think Steem Power is just essentially how much influence you have with your votes and downvotes.

You seeing the eclipse today?

Glad your feeling abit better @richq11 and in a situation like that I am not surprised you lost your cool for a moment. As for powering down the only thing it will effect is how much you make on your own posts and you will also gain less curation rewards from your votes, how much your vote is worth to others when you vote will also go down. Glad to hear your going to try and stay a dolphin.

I don't plan to power down very much only about 150 steem. It shouldn't really affect anything.

We are human! And the pressure we are undef these days is inhuman! I've powered right dowm due to needing money and I've found it hasn't affected anything bur my voting power ( and pride). This may be a good thing.

I'm going to only try to get about 150 steem that way I stay a dolphin. I worked too hard to get here to give that up!

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