in #life6 years ago


This Is the painful habit of pushing forward until tomorrow, what you can do today. To defer until later what you can start now, is the greatest thief of time, the worst enemy of life. The habit of needlessly delaying where action is required has stopped many dreamers from waking up to make their dreams come true.

Prompt and decisive action Is the handle that unlocks the door to prosperity. I think it was William Lucas who wrote that "during a very busy life I have often been asked, how did you manage to do it all? The answer is simple: Because I did everything promptly "

Our work has been linked to shaving, the longer we put it off, the harder and tougher it becomes." Alexander Maclaren wrote that: "No unwelcome tasks become any the less unwelcome by putting them off till tomorrow. Undone, they stand threatening and disturbing our tranquility, and hindering our communion with God".

Conditions will just never be right. People who delay action until all factors are favourable usually accomplish nothing. "Now, is the watchword of the wise"

Oliver Cromwell advised that we " not only strike while the iron is hot, but we make it hot by striking." If you have not taken action, either on the subject of giving, or on the idea of paying yourself first, if you are still holding back on the back on the concrete and deliberate step to take, you probably carry the germ of this killer affliction called PROCRASTINATION. Procrastination is opportunity's natural assassin. You will then have to kill it before it kills you. Start with little steps.

The journey of a thousand miles begins with a small step. Take action. Be a doer, not merely a knower or a sayer. Great results only come with application, not consideration. Worse than a quitter is a man who is afraid to start. A little action is all you need to repeat to get into the habit, the winning habit of action orientation. The man that removes the big mountain, or so the story goes, started by taking away the small stones.

Jerome K. Jerome in mocking the procrastination had this to say: " I like work, it fascinates me; the idea of getting rid of it nearly breaks my heart."
Get away from this concept. Shun laziness. You need to do more than to be merely interested. Be passionate. Be enthusiastic. Throw all your weight. Engage every fibre in your being. Start today, Because Tomorrow May Be Top Late.


It isn't the thing you do;
It's the thing you leave undone,
Which gives you a bit of headache,
At the setting of the sun,
The tender word forgotten,
The letter you did not write,
The flower you might have sent,
Are you haunting ghosts at night?



That was pretty interesting

The journey to a thousand miles begins with one step and the perfect time to take that step is now. Procrastination is an opportunity assassin you have to kill it before it kills you.
Wrote a post sometime ago on procrastination but I think you did much better. Cool poem.
Awesome post in all

Yes, add some more points to it.

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