VENEZUELA: Communism are taking over, let me tell you how its started

in #life8 years ago (edited)

Current problems with Venezuela

For the last 3 or 4 years the venezuelan economy has been in freefall drastically, we are experiencing probably the worse moment of our politic history since centurys. Many people right now are starving, many people right now are dying in hospitals due to lack of medicine, also the lack of basic products are making the people sleep outside supermarkets to wait until they open for bying food -no all the food they want, be cause there are not much for everyone-.

Besides that in almost every place at the country, people are really scared by all the delinquency living around us like the air. At normal cities, you go out at 20:00 and you can see many places open, even working until early morning, but, in Venezuela at that time all the places are closed, there are not almost anyone walking out the streets be cause of the fear to be assaulted or even murdered.

The reality is that, in my personal opinion, i don't see a solution close for this madness. I really dont see the point of continue believing that this would improve one day not so far. Makes me sad to see family and friends leaving the country looking for better quality of life, and makes me sadder the fact that one day i will be the next leaving all behind.

VENEZUELA is facing the consequences of ignorance.

Communism has been cleverly and slowly taking control since 1998, when a populist guy named Hugo Chávez was responsible to bring the socialism into venezuelans mind. Making them think that all the problems were due to businessmen, high-class people, and of course the poor ones has to take control over them to beat the "tritors". 

The venezuelan mindset in general has been always supporting social-democrats, venezuelans like almost all the countries at LATAM are used to think this way since many years ago. Since Hugo Chávez took control, the government led by him, started a war against all the private companies by expropiations or currency exchange control, making them produce a lot lower than they used to.

Besides that, he took actions to remove every way out of him by writting a new constitution. In that constitution there are many laws that deny people and businessmen the right to private property if they considerate that your company, your place, your car or anything, could well serve for the community.

The worst part, i think, is the fact that VENEZUELAN people approved for so many years all these policy measures. Enterprises begun an exodus be cause all the state restrictions, but back in 2006, there were many of them still staying. 

In 2013, Hugo Chávez died of cancer. In the same year the current president, Nicolas Maduro, took the lead of the country. Since then, the communism has been taking place faster. This time, after 13 years of transition to communism, the country started to suffer the consequences of spending too much money in "social missions" by giving poor people house, car, food, everything they asked, for a very very very low price. I really think that if you are poor, you are poor be cause of your actions over your life, and that is the life you deserver. Well, in 2013 the inflation started to rise up at higher speeds, making the venezuelan currency (Bolivar fuerte) so poor in front of the dollar. The solution for Nicolas Maduro was to keep printing bills and try to hide the inflation that was bigger and bigger everyday. Of course the prices of the products were rising a lot compared to our purchased power. We were getting poorer day by day.

The new challenge for this -communist- president was to hide our poorness. He implanted a new law named "fair prices law", this law forced many companies to sell their products far below the real price at market, companies were working and producing just to lose big quantities of money. What did they do? the businessmen has two options: bankrupt or stop producing in Venezuela and leave (by expropiation or voluntarily).

Right now we face a crisis in many aspects, products are very few of any kind, no food, no medicine, and government are blaming the capitalism and private companies for all this madness, blaming them for all the things the government did.

Currently, minimum salary are less than 15$ per month, work or start a business in Venezuela has less sense day by day. You maybe are a terrific worker, but, due to the low value of the economy, you are not well rewarded by all your job done. Even if you are a privilege guy. Simply high-class and middle-class are vanishing until we all finally depend on government to a simple act as eating is.

There are a solution? or the bad guys have won?

Well, right now government has controlled almost every aspect in the country, they have under control the army, also they decide who eats and who does'nt, carry guns is illegal so its more difficult for us to fight them. Of course there are people with guns, but those guys are the criminals around the streets, not the normal citizen. Right now we are submissive. The "opposition" has a almost the same socialist-communist mindset as them, so... We are really on our own.

The solution on long term for our country is people to start reading about policy, people to reject and condemn the corruption and cheating. People has to start changing their mindset to a new that really likes the honest work, we need to reject anyone else who tries to tell us that "something from nothing" are really possible without consequences like we are living today.

I think, the best government would be that who limits himself to only protect the private property and rights of everyone equally, that one who promote the free market, the free action of each one. I am 20 years old, and many things that i want to do in my life are impossible or near impossible to do in my nation, hurtful to say this but true.

In conclusion...

Communism and socialism has been destroying countries all around the world, no matter culture nor kind of people. Cuba has been in misery since Castro took over 59 years ago. East Germany were in real trouble when soviets were controlling their economy after the world war two for using this policy. Communism killed million people in Soviet union, China, North-Korea and many others nations.

Historically, the nation with more freedom to act or having capitalism as their dominant system has been really succesful in their history, i like to put the example of Switzerland, they are never in trouble and you may ask why. I invite you to look for more information.

Now i leave you with this sentence: NOTHING IS FOR FREE, if you want something you have to work for that. NEVER NEVER get it by others work.



Muy buen post!

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