Success Maker - Do You Think Small?

in #life3 years ago

Do you believe that successful leaders understand if you believe small, you will stay small and that is the best type of success. They do not let their fears deter them from believing big. You cannot help it if things go wrong or if people are unsupportive, but leadership does not mean that you can sit back and blame everyone else. That is not leadership.

If you ever want to be a leader, learn how to think small. All great leaders learned that lesson early on and it has affected their success. A great leader knows they were successful when others supported and believed in them. If you are going to be successful read up on all the great leaders that have come before you and study what they did to get where they are today. Learning is the key to becoming a leader and staying small is the secret.

There are three things that you need to do if you want to learn how to think small; read, listen and act. Read what great leaders do, listen to people who are saying what you want to hear and act accordingly. That is how successful leaders think. That way they never make the mistakes that other people do and they always know where they are going.

Next time someone makes a mistake do not run over to them and tell them how they should have done it. Do not make the same mistake and then tell them how they should not do it. You will only confuse them and make them look foolish. Let them figure it out on their own.

If you can remember back to when you were a kid and you made lots of mistakes, no one was ever interested in criticism. Instead they were more interested in whether you could play basketball or baseball. People were more concerned with your potential for success than anything else. This may sound silly to you, but you would be surprised how many great players are mediocre players because they did not know how to train and develop a good work ethic.

Success makers set goals and they work hard to reach those goals no matter how long it takes them. They are constantly working on themselves. They know that they cannot succeed unless they are willing to be selfless and give of themselves to others. They do whatever it takes to become the best.

Finally, if you want to be successful you must treat yourself like a member of the team. Everybody wants to be complimented and everybody wants to make a difference. If you want to be a great player then you must treat the game as a game and treat your fellow players well. If you do this then you will make an impact on them and they will follow you. This is why you hear of great athletes and basketball stars being mentored by another star.

You can be a success maker but you need to start by believing that you can do it. You must believe that you have what it takes. Then you can go out there and try and make things happen. Only you know what is important to you must make sure that you are making a difference in your life today.

I am a great example of a success maker. I have learned to not only think small but also big. When I first started out making money online I thought it would be easy. I thought that I could just sit back and wait for the money to come in. I was wrong, I had to think small and then think big.

I have had to change my thinking on how to make money. It took me a few years but eventually I became a success. When you think small and think big you will see results. People who think big don't see results because they are not willing to make the sacrifices that are necessary.

Remember that you can be a success maker. If you have the desire to be a success maker then you will make it happen. You have to start by thinking small. You must believe that you can do anything.

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