IMPACT of Facebook Vs. Steemit On The Society.

in #life7 years ago

Barely one year steemit came into existence it impact on the society has been enormously positive, unlike facebook which the negative effect outweighs it positive impact on the society.

In today’s internet age, social-networking is one of the most efficient ways to communicate with people.  People all over the world use these sites for chatting, sharing pictures, etc. Undoubtedly, Social media has a great impact in the young and old people of today’s society. However, the effects derived from interacting with other individuals through social-networking can be both harmful and beneficial at the same time. Being a user myself, I am well-aware of the effects that steemit and facebook has on the society. 

Positive Impacts of Facebook

1. First of all, easier communication can be done through facebook. 

2. You can share information with one or more individuals at the same time. 

3. You can also meet friends, old and new, on Facebook. 

4. You can also display your interests, birthday, age and even your relationship status. Photos and videos can also be viewed on Facebook

Negative Impact of Facebook

PRIVACY is a major aspect in our life, we like to keep things to ourselves when we don’t want to talk, but this is not really observed in Facebook. When you display personal information online, it can be accessed by people you don’t have any knowledge of. This allows them to know more about you and become closer with you. Situations like these can cause the following:

1. Stalking:  it is a scary thing and it comes in two types, 

online stalking and physical stalking.

• Online stalking refers to virtual communication, such as e-mail, chatting, etc. When you display your contact numbers and e-mail or anything that might enable someone to talk to you, they can communicate with you easily. 

• Physical stalking is, of course, following and observing someone. Now that is really scary, so if I were you, be careful with what you put online on Facebook.

Another danger regarding privacy is

2. Identity theft: some people who use Facebook display too much information, such as e-mails, school or workspace, date of birth, contact numbers, home addresses, etc. Sometimes, with enough information, other people can impersonate you. They can steal your money or acquire privileges by pretending to be you. Then, the next you know, your bank account is empty!

3. Addiction: The people who get addicted to facebook nowadays are young kids. What happens is  they neglect their studies and prioritize Facebook more that’s why they’re tired or sleepy when they go to school because they stay up late chatting with they’re friends. They forget to do their assignments and they forget to study for quizzes and other examinations, resulting to failing marks. 

Introducing the last, impact of Facebook on modern day man is:

4. Wasting of time and effort without any Reward for your time.

Positive Impacts of Steemit

1. Financial freedom: Other social media platform have helped people all over the world to interact but could not solve their financial problem. This is what steemit blogging platform corrected by helping people to gain financial freedom. All other online platform will require that you must invest money before you can make money in it, but in steemit, even if you don’t have money but you are gifted with outstanding talent, you are on your way to financial freedom so long as you work hard with a little smartness.

2. Improvement of writing skill: Most people who ordinarily wouldn’t have had interest in writing but now are force to learn how to write in other to communicate their ideas to the people on steemit. It is difficult for one to convey his or her ideas without writing it down. People have learnt how to arrange their work to appease their readers. It has equally increases the typing speed of members as they engage in writing constantly.

3. Meeting people all around the world: Through steemit blogging platform, you don’t need to travel to any country before knowing how the country looks like, as members all over the world are showcasing the environment they live in or where they have traveled to. You can see how magnificent countries looks like, their culture, value, language, type of food and major tourism center. Through this platform, people can choose the country they want to go on vacation. Steemit blogging platform have connected the world together.

4. Improvement of reading skill: Most member who don’t have the habit of reading, have learnt how to read extensively as they cannot contribute meaningfully without reading wide.  It have equally increase the velocity of members understanding of issues, people can read as fast as possible and make meaningful contribution to the issue presented.

5. Good opportunities: Steemit platform have given the world opportunity to interact with each other irrespective of their colour or language. in steemit, there is nothing like discrimination as every member is seeing as a family member and business partner. You need each others support to grow in the community. How will you feel after suffering to write a quality article and people did not read, comment or upvote because you are not from their country or continent, how will you grow in the community. That is why is very difficult for people to discriminate in this platform. In this platform, people follow, support and upvote your content without minding the country you’re from. There is this spirit of oneness among members. It is very difficult to find this attitude in another online platform. In steemit, the only country, colour, language you will see is, comment, upvote, resteem and follow. That is the unifying factor that exist in this platform.

And Lastly…

6. Secured Privacy: on steemit your Privacy is secure because sensitive information like your email, phone number etc. can not be seen by other’s thereby curbing the menace of identity theft.

Negative impact of steemit

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Oooh steemian's please help me out…

I can’t really think of a negative impact of steemit on the society ,   cause the only thing I know steemit for is it positive impact.


Maybe steemit dose not have any negative impact on the society..

Steemit: The Real Deal….

Follow: @rheda

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