in #life7 years ago


Purpose is classified mainly into two categories;

  • The Primary Purpose &,
  • The Ultimate Purpose.
    Every individual who intend fulfilling purpose in life, must come to terms that he or she has been given a mandate to function exceptionally in these two areas, stated above.
    Your primary purpose is a function and duty assigned to you, specifically for your immediate & extended Family, Friends & Relatives, Neighbours & Associates, and for your People (generally), by your Maker.
    While your ultimate purpose is a function and duty your Maker assigned to you, for the world at large.
    At the age of twelve, Jesus already knew his ultimate purpose!.
    Imagine the bizarre reply Jesuses parent got after searching for three days and found him in the Temple's Court (teaching men who should be teaching him).
    "Why are you searching for me?" He said. "Didn't you know that I had to be about my Father's business?".
    But notwithstanding, He followed them. And it is recorded that He was obedient to them. This tells that He also understood his primary purpose (at the age of twelve).
    Even on the cross (at the peak of the fulfilment of his ultimate purpose), Jesus looked at Mary and saw how grieved she was. He understood how it feels to lose a son in such a horrible manner.
    So he said to Mary "Woman behold thy son". And then turned to John "Behold thy Mother".
    Jesus was trying to ease the pain of Mary (The Woman who served as an instrument for his birth on earth), despite He was in severe pains.
    We really need to come to understand Paul's statement "Its in Christ that we find out who we are and what we are living for..."
    He wasn't just referring to the spiritual aspect (of believing in Christ, and accepting him as your Lord and Saviour), because it also requires the physical study of Christ, and the kind of life he lived here on earth.
    We should all get to the level in life were we'll always take a pause and ask ourselves "what will Christ have done in this instance", then we do the exact-same thing.
    "If Christ is having Money, what will He do with it?".
    "If Christ were to be the President of a nation, or in any political office, how will He govern his people?".
    "If Christ were on social media, what will he be posting / sharing / forwarding?".
    We can't fulfil nor even understand purpose, when we haven't admitted that we're Ambassadors of Christ. Because it's right in the "Christ-like selfless virtue" were purpose is birth.

Follow: @rheda

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