Why do men not wash after using the restroom?

in #life7 years ago

As a man, I’m constantly saddened and disgusted when I see guys who were handling their genitals (and possibly touching worse) casually walk out of the restroom without even thinking about washing their hands.

I can’t say for certain what the wash/unwashed ratio is coming out of women’s bathrooms, but it has to be better than the men’s. The women’s bathroom is a mythical enigma to us men. We’ve heard the stories about what’s in there. I think someone once said there’s a rollercoaster in there and it didn’t sound that implausible.

That being said, why is this such a common occurrence? Are non-washers just stuck in the George Carlin mindset: "I don't automatically wash my hands every time I go to the bathroom. You know when I wash my hands? When I s--t on them.”

So everyone who ever met Carlin and shook his hand might as well have been sticking their hand down his pants and flailing around in there. Imagine going into a room where someone rubbed their junk on everything; doorknobs, pens, the microwave, the remote control, the dog, etc. A study in the UK found that 1 in 6 cell phones had fecal matter on them (and this was before taking your smartphone into the bathroom was common.)

It’s just nasty. Wash your hands after you use the restroom if not for your own health, but for the respect of people who use the same objects in public that you do.


My balls are so clean I don't feel the need...kidding of course. I'm disgusted by this as well. I don't understand it at all when guys just walk right out.

I think it mostly boils down to either indifference, apathy or simply bad habits.

Laziness would definitely be my best guess.

Agree.. Because people are becoming lazy and technology making us lazy.

I guess i'm one of the few men who do actually wash their hands after using the restroom, especially a public restroom!

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