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RE: Reciprocity and how to treat foreigners

in #life6 years ago (edited)

I couldn’t agree more. I think the xenophobic behavior is the result of certain “news” organizations propagating the belief that all our problems are caused by immigrants. Those not like us that come across our borders and take our jobs. They beat this drum until it becomes true for a lot of people. It’s a simplistic answer to a complicated problem. It is also a ploy used throughout history.

The fact of the matter is, jobs are being lost to technology, particularly robotics, AI and machine learning. We are in a time of great turmoil without simple answers. It is easy, however, to get people worked up emotionally, effectively shutting down cognitive abilities like logic, critical thinking, and long-term planning.

You know it’s getting bad when conservative commentator’s like Ann Coulter claim that children crying at the border are “child actors.” It is bordering on the absurd the mental gymnastics required to maintain beliefs that shut down empathy. But that’s what they have to do in order to justify their worldview, make themselves feel good, and continue with the perception that they are the “good guys.”

I wrote a post yesterday explaining my view on what’s behind it all that you might be interested in. “Where Morals Come From.”

Thanks for your post suggesting what should be common decency.

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