Some Listen, Some Don't - It Happens

in #life7 years ago


I am an optimist. I like the best potential outcome. It doesn't always manifest itself everytime...However, that's the way I play.

It's some trying times this holiday season, as I am faced with my peers who decided not to listen....not to investigate - the food for thought I passed along as a service to my fellow mates.

My attitude is that I take note when a good mate shares something with me, and i do my due dilligence to investigate. I mean why else would one of my good mates take the time to say,

"hey look at this, i've thought about you...and I'm not selling you anything....but i think you should really check this out"

Oh well - that's the reality here today. And you know what - we humans are a busy bunch. Arguably more busy than any other species from the perspective of the way our minds seem to be going 24/7. With this in mind it's no wonder that we humans are not always able to process our best word support. It's a trying time in the human kingdom. Granted, it's a little easier for those humans who stopped to investigate the cryptosphere.

"Some Listen, Some Don't"

  • Point is - don't take it personally

  • we humans have a lot going on inisde our's almost to much to fathom that anyone can know exactly what's going on in another human physical body at any one give moment

  • Patience is a Virtue

  • mercy is grace

  • Humbleness and Humity are daily suppliments that keep us grounded (metaphorically speaking)

Remember to slow down next time you take offense or make a defense reaction to anyone and we all got a lot brewing at times...and generally speaking we do better when we take a load off and just stop or slow down before unloading a built up venting..

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Good lesson on dealing with one another@researh- mind

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