Did you know that the male of this species stays with the female during the egg care while the gestation period of the hatchlings is completed? Once born they help the female to care for and feed the little red birds!

in #life6 years ago (edited)

The Venezuelan Little Cardinal.
A bird in danger of extinction.

Prevent the Smuggling and Extinction of this beautiful bird..png

Greetings to each Steemians reader of this article. I am @renny-krieger and here I present to you the Venezuelan Little Cardinal who at the beginning of the 20th century flew by the thousands in the Venezuelan geography.
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Want to meet him?

Scientific Name: Carduelis Cucullata
Also called Sporagra Cucullata since 2011.

Size: Bird approximately 10 cm long from beak to tail.
Male: Black head and tail, red body and white spot on the bottom.
Female: Less conspicuously coloured birds, usually cream or greyish in colour with reddish tones on the wing and chest.

Did you know that the male of this species stays with the female during the egg care while the gestation period of the hatchlings is completed? Once born they help the female to care for and feed the little red birds!

The famous Emperor of Thorns and Cardos (Caesar spinus and carduelis). It is a unique bird in the world. At present there are very few specimens that can be observed living in the wild due to indiscriminate hunting and capture, those beautiful free birds that survive take flight in this beautiful paradise: VENEZUELA.

This beautiful bird is representative of the State of Lara, Venezuela and one of the most emblematic in the country, apart from all that... Did you know that at the beginning of the 20th century, that is, only 100 years ago it flew by the thousands in the Venezuelan forests?......
Unfortunately, this is not the case today. It is estimated that fewer than 3,000 birds are counted in the country....


We still have time to save this beautiful bird! Other spectacular features are its beautiful trill and a red as intense as that of the roses, this bird is one of the creations of God's hand and we must fight for it to remain freely in nature.

Do you think I'm right?

Do you know how many birds are currently in the Venezuelan forests?


It is a species that is in CRITICAL DANGER, that is to say, on the point of extinction, the famous Cardinal, has disappeared in great proportion due to hunting and indiscriminate capture, began more than two centuries ago, increasing from the appearance of the red canaries, after 1920, ie less than a century ago....

Prevent the Smuggling and Extinction of this beautiful bird.

At first its plumage was used to decorate hats and certain types of clothing, then its main motive was the capture of the males for crossing with canary females to obtain the famous Red Canary of greater attractiveness for the red vermillion of the plumage and for its unique and singular song, this presents a great demand in the legal and illegal international market.

On a national scale (Venezuelan), the Little Cardinal is not supposedly trafficked "openly" or in abundance like other species but in a furtive manner, mainly through the Internet.

Stages of Cardinals Smuggling.

Stages of the extinction chain (1).png
Source: Cardenalito Initiative

This opens up the range of problems since it increases the problem of capture where a large number of these birds generally die due to their great fragility and delicacy of habits, feeding methods and the influence of food selection.

Venezuelan Little Cardinal

Source: Mucubaji.com

The smuggling by sale of this bird is also one of the causes of the disappearance of these beautiful birds from their natural environment accelerating their capture for trade in the illegal pet market, a practice persistently carried out since the nineteenth century, in addition to the intervention of man in their natural habitat from the semi-arid and dry forests of low trees.

Denounce the smuggling of Cardinals.

Prevent the Smuggling and Extinction of this beautiful bird. 4.png
Source: Cardenalito Initiative

Since 1952, the Venezuelan government's request has been classified as threatened, and in the International Red Book it is classified as critically endangered, requiring urgent action for its survival. Its decline is dizzying and its inevitable extinction within a short period of years.


Although we pretend not to understand the serious problem in which we are all involved at the national level or in extreme cases we simply do not know the seriousness of the matter. Even so we have an advantage, all of us who are interested in the survival of this beautiful species must begin to unlearn to learn, knowing first that it is a perishable resource; we have the advantage of a second option; this species is a renewable natural resource that can be recovered and we must continue to give it the importance of birdlife at the regional and national level.

We must learn to care for them ourselves, a good way is to learn to recognize this precious species, because it is often confused by other small red birds.

This is Our "TRUE" Little Cardinal

Source: Sostenibilidad.Semana.com

Little Cardinal
Carduelis cucullata

     NOTE: All these beautiful birds are confused with the LITTLE CARDENAL

Blood and Bull Flytrap
Phyrocephalus rubinus

Source: FliCKR

Cardinal Coriano
Cardinalis phoenicius

Source: Alberto Porta - Flickr

Northern Cardinal
Cardinalis cardinalis

Source: Alfredo Rodríguez Rubio

Chest and Corduroy
Ramphocelus carbo

Source: Wikipedia

Cardinal Mountaineer
Piranga flava


Cardinal Ant tenager
Habia Rubica
had rubica.jpg

Thanks to all the "Panas", Stemianas and Stemianos, for taking a few valuable minutes of your time to enjoy my article and learn more about Venezuelan Little Cardinal.
Let it fly free and apply it to yourself too.
I hope you liked it there.

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An essential aspect of creativity is not to be afraid of failure. -Dr. Edwin Land

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