The Ability to Listen Is Very Un underrated

in #life3 years ago

The ability to listen is very underrated. Many people do not take the time to really learn how to listen properly. They don't listen to their instrument, they don't listen to their voice, and they don't even listen to other people. The more you listen, the more you will realize what is important. When you have learned what is important, it becomes second nature to you.


The ability to listen is very important. The ability to listen can determine the outcome of any interaction you have with another person or even the environment. Listen to what the other person is saying. Listen to what the environment is saying. If you are in a meeting and the person talking is speaking at length, it is much more likely that you will get the information you need from them if you are able to hear what they are saying.

So many times in business and in life we go about things in ways that we have no idea of how we are going to react. We get caught up in our emotions and we make decisions based on those emotions. We don't take the time to think about whether or not we made a sound decision. It's just spur of the moment and we are completely off base.

The ability to listen is very important in business. You want to be able to listen to what the other person is saying without interruption. If you can do that, you will know that you have made a good decision and that the person is happy with the interaction. If you can accomplish that, you will gain a business partner for life.

Another reason that the ability to listen is so underrated is because most people just do not listen to themselves talk. I know that this sounds really silly and I will admit that I sometimes do this. I'm sure you have done it at some point in your life but I just hate doing it and I always end up coming off as someone who doesn't care.

Listen to yourself talk. Try to find out what you're feeling and thinking and then ask them questions based on that. For example, if you have been in an argument that has nothing to do with work and nothing to do with you or the company that you work for, why did you get involved in it in the first place? What did you perceive in the situation that made you feel like you had to get involved? Was there something about the other person that made you feel like you needed to say something?

Ask questions to people that you are attracted to. Why do they seem so interested in me? What do they want to learn from me? Do they seem excited about my personality and my energy? What are my options if I continue to pursue this person?

The ability to listen is very underrated in business. People have a tendency to talk at each other. They don't listen. They interrupt. They can't offer advice. Learn to listen.

When I worked with people from many different backgrounds, I learned that I could always tell when someone was faking something. If they would talk while their body was in the chair and their voice was deeper than normal, I knew they were faking. If I heard them exchange thoughts without really listening to what they had to say, I knew they weren't getting what they wanted.

The ability to communicate effectively in business is extremely important. You can be the most creative person in the world but if you can't understand what someone is saying you are not going to do much good. Listen to them clearly and ask them questions until you get the answers you need. Then, of course, share the information with your boss or clients. Use other tools like email or instant messaging to pass along the information you've gleaned.

As leaders we have to be sensitive to our followers feelings and needs. The bottom line is that you can't lead unless you are genuinely concerned about what they are feeling and what they need. They will listen to you if you show that you care about them and that you want to solve their problems. People are happier with someone they know is genuinely concerned about their well being rather than someone who only thinks about themselves.

These are just a few of the ways how the ability to listen is very underrated. Being a good listener goes a long way in this industry. We need people to listen to us and we need them to be truly engaged with what we have to say. People need to feel like they are making a difference and that they are in some way a relevant part of everything that is going on. Once you figure out how to become a better listener you'll be amazed at the results.

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