Self-Esteem: The Cognitive Distortions That Impaired Self-Esteem Are Caused By Your Beliefs About Yourself

in #life4 years ago

Self-esteem level is the mental attitude we have about ourselves. It is our internal picture of ourselves. It is our perception of our worth as a person. Self-esteem can be described as our internal belief in our own ability and capabilities.

Self-esteem is a person's internal assessment of their value. Self-evaluation is based on our beliefs about ourselves. Self-evaluation encompasses various psychological states, including self-confidence, self-esteem, confidence, assertiveness, competence, and helplessness.

People with low self-esteem are more likely to engage in negative behaviors, and have greater difficulties with adjustment. These include neglecting personal hygiene, neglecting physical symptoms, being less willing to take care of themselves physically, being less willing to accept social isolation, and having poor interactions with other people. People with less-than-healthy self-esteem also are more likely to abuse alcohol or drugs. They also tend to have a lower income, marital problems, criminal activities, and involvement in violence.

People with high self-worth do not have negative thoughts about themselves all the time. However, their thoughts will be more positive. These include: I am a valued member of my family; I am smart, capable, and/or wise; I am a good lover; I am a good friend; I am a good spouse; I am financially independent; I am healthy; I am physically fit. People with high self esteem do not have these thoughts all the time, but they always have thoughts that confirm their high self-worth.

How can having low self-esteem affect your family? You should pay attention to how your beliefs about yourself are being impacted by the beliefs of others. How are you being affected by statements like: "You're so helpless, you shouldn't even be alive"; "You make me sick just looking at you"; "You are worthless, you are so hideous, you are such a drag". These statements paint a terrible picture of who you are. Your beliefs about yourself will continue to be influenced by the beliefs of others, and you will continue to be affected by the opinions, judgments, and opinions of those around you. You must take steps now to stop this cycle.

How can you build self-esteem so that you can feel better about yourself and others? You need to begin to believe in yourself and your abilities. Start to take genuine pride in your talents, skills, achievements, and personality. Start to value yourself as an individual.

Are you a person with low self-esteem? If so, you need to start putting yourself in your best possible light. Improve your self-image, your self-worth, and your confidence. Look at what you have achieved so far, and take heart in the successes you've had thus far, but also know that there is always more work to do, and that you have a long way to go.

Are you lacking in self-esteem because you have an inflated self-esteem? Low self esteem or a negative self image can be caused by many things. Lack of love in the family, not getting along with other people, lack of security, poor health, negative peer groups, an unfavorable upbringing, high expectations, lack of encouragement, being fired from a job, having too much to deal with, not getting enough sleep, not having the right career, and negative relationships are all common causes of an inflated self esteem.

A healthy self-esteem is one that is balanced and one that is not based on feelings alone. Feelings are just that, they are a reaction and they are temporary. They will go away when the situation is over, whether it's due to the situation going or not. So if you have a feeling that something is wrong with you, try and see it objectively. There is no need to put your feelings on hold for this.

If you have a low self-esteem, and you don't know why, it's probably because of what you think is holding you back. You may feel like you are worthless, ugly, or stupid. These things don't even come into the picture. What really holds you back is your own mind and how you think. Step back from the situation, look at it objectively, and realize that you are missing out on something great if you are holding yourself back.

As you begin to realize all of the great things that you have to offer, it will become easier to attract the good things that you want into your life. You are going to have to develop new thoughts and beliefs about yourself. It is going to take time, but if you start with the right thoughts, you can overcome any of the cognitive distortions that you may have towards yourself. As your self-esteem improves you will be surprised at how easy it becomes to improve your life.


"As you begin to realize all of the great things that you have to offer, it will become easier to attract the good things that you want into your life."


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