How Do These Beliefs Drive Us?

in #life4 years ago

Why do some of us have a hard time living in a state of Love and Truth, while other of us get along pretty darn well? If you are asking these questions then I'm afraid you're in the minority.

There is a very simple reason that we feel the need to believe, to be certain. It's a survival mechanism. We feel threatened or uncomfortable or challenged by something new. We use the Law of Attraction and "The Law of Truth" to make sure we survive.

If I told you that there was a way to change this behavior and get rid of your fear of the unknown and replace it with a desire to discover, then you could be free from your beliefs. What if you didn't need to have a belief in something or someone. You could use your mind to create whatever you wanted. I don't mean to suggest that you become a god, but you could use your mind to live your life exactly as you want it to be. You could even make a living doing what you want to do, instead of living for someone else.

Now, don't get me wrong. Belief is one thing; faith is another.

When we first decide to make our lives different, we tend to be in denial about it. The fear of change is so great, that we can't see beyond our fears, let alone get past them. When that happens, our beliefs get in the way and we have a hard time being in the moment. We tend to have a hard time in love and truth because of our beliefs.

How do these Beliefs Drive us? Well, let's look at an example...

Here we have an acquaintance who is a business woman who is very successful and wants to change her life. She has a huge problem, as she sees herself as a victim. She fears criticism, rejection, or even being called a failure because of the money she makes, her gender, or the shape of her face.

How do these Beliefs Drive us? This business woman believes that she needs to be beautiful, successful and well off, just because that is what the Market demands. You see, there is no room for error, so that's what drives her.

In order to change this belief, she needs to examine her actions and decide if they are working out in her life. Then, she needs to find ways to change those beliefs that do not serve her, so that she does not continue to live her life in this way.

Another way how do these Beliefs Drive us is when people tell us that we need certain things in our lives. So, if we have bad credit, we must have a house. The way this works is that we believe that to have a house means we have good credit.

But, a house will only exist if we are wealthy enough to afford it and are able to provide all the things that are necessary for having a house such as utilities and insurance, etc. A person without a house has nothing, so they need to make up that house to survive.

How do we find the belief we want to change so that we can be more happy, successful, and satisfied with our lives? We need to use our mind. It's a process that takes time, effort, and commitment, but it's a necessary part of moving forward.

Now, back to how do these Beliefs Drive us? Well, we need to examine what is happening around us and ask ourselves questions. Why do we feel that we need something? Why do we have a negative perception of that object or person?

In some cases, the person that you see in the mirror every morning is not always the person you were yesterday or the last time you saw. Sometimes our perceptions of a negative person can cause us to act out negatively in our minds. To change these beliefs we must get the facts about the object of our negative thoughts. or the person that has caused them. and then we must change our view on them.

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