How Can You Increase Your Business' Profit Potential by Focusing on What You Can Change About Yourself?

in #life3 years ago

As a health and wellness coach, I get asked a lot: "What is your biggest thing you can change about yourself?" At first I would just sort of brush it off and tell them to answer the question with another question: "What's something you can't change about yourself?" Most people can't. They sort of give up and then start thinking in only one direction. They might think about making a career change or buying a house, or maybe fixing up their car-all the things they know they want to do. But if you can change just one thing about yourself, can you make that thing happen?

What most people do NOT focus on is what they CAN change about themselves. And if you can change just one thing about yourself-your health, for example; or your financial health, your family health, etc.-what would that single thing be? It might not be easy to find something that you could change about yourself, but once you do, you have made the first step toward that goal I talked about earlier: Focusing on what you can change about yourself.

Here's the secret: When you focus on what you can change about yourself, you make a decision. When you decide to focus on what you can change about yourself, you make that thing a priority. And once you have that priority in place, it becomes very easy to focus on what you can change about other aspects of your life, too.

So let me give you an example. One of my favorite clients, who started a wellness blog while working as a wellness coach, was constantly telling me what she wanted to change about herself. She was constantly listing things like how her skin looked and what her future looked like. And that was okay because she was writing about her future, about creating her business, about creating new goals for herself. But as the weeks went on, as she focused more on what she wanted to change about herself, she became much more clear about what she wanted to do as a professional.

She realized that she wanted to create a website for her clients that allowed them to create their own newsletter, and she really wanted to have a product designed that allowed her clients to capture photos of themselves or their loved ones. But these were just ideas she had been considering for some time, she hadn't gotten anywhere yet. The one thing that she did was start writing down the things she didn't want in her business; the things she wanted to change about herself. And over the next few months and even years, as she started to get more clear about what she really wanted to do, she started to get more specific about what she really wanted to create in her life.

And once you really start to focus on what you can change about yourself, your clients will follow you. Focus on what you can change about yourself. As your clients keep focusing on what you can change about yourself, your business will grow. When they're focused on what you can change about yourself, your clients will be able to see themselves as future leaders in their field. And when they see themselves as future leaders, they will be able to attract people who are like them, who have succeeded before them.

As your clients keep focusing on what you can change about yourself, your clients will continue to focus on what they want to change about themselves. The cycle is self-reinforcing. And if you start to notice that the clients you work with focus on what they can change about themselves and your business too, you might want to consider helping them focus their attention on what they want to change about themselves. Help them make their future as a leader in their field.

Once your clients start focusing on what they want to change about themselves, they will feel empowered. They will feel like they can make their lives better. As they start to gain this empowerment, they will inevitably attract others to them who have also begun the same process. When this happens, your business can grow.

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