
by the way do you happen to remember the other papers? Would love to read them!

I'll see what if I can find them!

This is view is what I cut my baby teeth on..

On Buddhist Economics as a Science of Right Livelihood

"Good economic decisions are those based on an awareness of the costs on the individual, social and environmental levels, not just in terms of production and consumption. These economic decisions are kamma. Every time an economic decision is made, kamma is made, and the process of fruition is immediately set in motion, for better or for worse, for the individual, for society and the environment."

thanks for that! will have a look, browsed it but realized it needs a bit of concentration to get through!

Yeah, I have to read a couple paragraphs at a time and put pieces like this down and think about what I've read. It's a thick read but he opened my eyes to our systems abuse and manipulation. Trying to think about a new system, take block chain and Steemit for example. I see we are building old social models ontop of new technology because we can't imagine anything else. To get everyone on a new social model with a new view and no victim conditioning would be difficult. The controllers know this, they use, war, famine, terror, and chaos to move the masses and this has work for them for thousands of years.

I don't know how a large population can change from trauma based conditioning to a new free market model, we would end up running back to the older model of control and abuse because it's a known quantity. The unknowns freak us out too much to change.

HI @reddust Thanks for commenting (you won the prize check your wallet hehe)

I think you are partly right, there is definitely an imagination problem with finding new uses for this powerful technology.

My take on the way society is that the results are coming from complex interactions. I don't really believe in controllers.
Sure there are powerful people who have their agenda and are ruthless who would like to believe they control the world.

And maybe they can put their finger on the scales once in a while, no doubt they do when they have the chance.

But war, famine, discrimination are consequences of how the system (our society) is interacting. It is impossible to design this system, it is too vast and complex for that.

I agree though that it could be better and we should actively imagine new ways to make it work.

Thank you @the-traveller, Amazon just bought Whole Foods grocery stores and the Bezos beast is now going to bring Walmart down. Walmart drove out our Mom and Pop stores, the corporate monsters eat up everything, turn on their own and eventually swallow their own tail. I'm trying to get out of the way...lolol

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