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RE: Why Do All Good Things Have To Come To An End?

in #life8 years ago (edited)

all things are made of other things, an endless replication, thus have no ending. The flux of phenomena if grasped as real, in and of itself, is the cause of most of our suffering. Imperfection is caused by ignorance regarding the emptiness of (s)elf and the emptiness of phenomena.


Really deep thoughts and another way to look at it. Thanks for an amazing feedback.

I do not think God is a thing ;-)

Yep, certainly not. He is a being!

Oh that opens a whole nother can of worms...define being....lololol .... I'm teasing and just playing, no wish to cause trouble.

Yep, it is cause me no trouble, I have my own convictions and I will definitely share it, knowing each on has his. By being, I mean it like supreme being, He exists! He has feelings, makes decisions, thinks, causes things to happen

I know you aren't out to cause trouble, I was reading a post and saw your donation to someone who needs a home. It already told me a lot!

Being and time, spirit, existence, they are all so vague and so many arguments involved...I try and walk in between nihilism and eternalism. I've looked at myself and see bits and pieces of other things made up of other things that seems to go on forever and they all seem to be held together by habit. My husband and I get in this argument all the time...

I say, "if God is perfect, how can what is perfect create imperfection, which is me, I'm definitely not perfect because I'm always changing."

What is perfect, what is in and of itself can't change, that is perfection., that is how I see God, he has principles not characteristics.

My husband says, "God is all of that." I see no eternal me in this mind and bodies being because it's constantly changing, there is no perfection or unchanging me.

My husband says God is all that...hahaha, that's when I start cursing and my husband starts laughing.

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