in #life6 years ago

In 2011, Philip Zimbardo gave a ted talk titled “The Demise of guys” where he talked about the impact of games and porn on men. In 1937 Napoleon hill also wrote a phenomenal book titled Think and grow rich in which he dedicated the Eleventh chapter to Sex transmutation where he he also tried to explain the effect of sex on the mind and body and how it could be channeled to achieve riches. Over the years the topic has remained unstudied or understudied and and those who claim to have studied it have over time misled us probably not from ignorance but from failure to truly understand the concept of sex and the importance of the sexual fluid in us and while it must be preserved for instance it has been said that Sex is one of man physiological needs and therefore should be satisfied. Though this is true to an extent because evolution made it so, so that procreation of the human race will never be stopped, it isn’t however true that this desire must be satisfied as long as your goal is beyond procreation on earth.

The life force of man is contained in the spermcell cause it is through this sperm that procreation must occur. It is probably no news anymore that the human releases about 400 – 500 million sperm cells per ejaculation and only one is needed to fertilize the female egg so that procreation might occur but very few of us are knowledgeable of what a single sperm cell contains. A single sperm cell is made up of a lot of elements which include cholesterol, fructose, ascorbic acid, sodium, citric acid, vitamin C, Vitgamin B12, Calcium, Magnesium, Potassium, zinc, chloride among many other elements and these elements are very important in the makeup and energy levels in man and a single ejaculation releases torrents of this. For example Spermine which is also found in the sperm cells is a natural anti- depressant and also help to diminish wrinkles and acne while at the same time helping in hair growth.
At first ejaculation of this sperm cells might seem unnoticeable to the body as the body had over the years has stored excess sperm cells and the body remakes this sperm cells as soon as it is depleted especially during the youth of ones life. But consistent ejaculation is not without its consequences as the body strains to replenish the lost energy and therefore the vital organs of the body – kidney, liver and even the brain must contribute to the renewal of this lost energy because man must always be ready be ready for procreation.
“With frequent ejaculation of sperm vitality ultimately plummets. The big spender loses stamina, his vision begins to weaken, hair tumbles from his skull: he grows old before his time. At first he will not feel drained, but after years of abuse his capacities will begin to drop alarmingly. When the hormonal secretions of the sexual glands are regularly leached out, the body is sapped at its root. Within a period of time that will range from months to de- cades depending on the endowment of the individual, creative and sexual abilities are halved, and the ability to withstand disease and the frailties of old age is diminished” – Mentak Chia from the book Taoist Secret of Love

For us to understand the reason why people who masturbate experience what they do, we must first understand the benefit of semen and testosterone produced in the testicles to us.
It increses energy level in the body through the increased production of healthy Red blood cell
It increases the level of libido in men as lower libido is caused by lower testosterone (though the production of testosterone reduces s man grows older)
It improves the level of concentration in man
It improves the male sexual prowess as testosterone help in the production of sperm which promotes penis growth and helps correct erectile dysfunction.
It improves the functioning to vital organs of the body egliver, kidney spleen through production of red blood cell
It increases protein synthesis and calcium wh

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