WTF are you smiling at?

in #life7 years ago

A stupid little grin.
That's what it was on my face followed by "sorry, yes. it's ok".
Another little stupid smile.

Do you ever find yourself smiling at people you really don't want to be smiling at? It happens a lot to me.
Every situation that is public and unexpected ends up with me smiling and saying sorry or something similar. Look, when you don't hear everything that happens outside my norrow focus is a surprise. I am not sure what happened, to whom and why but I have this weird feeling that is probably my fault. "Sorry". Smile. Automaton.

That's the damn problem. A smile is or should be an acknowledge of something pleasant:
Nice to meet you. Smile.
A photo.
A friend saying something funny.
Remembering a good memory.
Rewarding a damn good witty comment.


But no, this kind of smile is actually a self-defense move. Is a way to say fast: "I'm harmless". Why do I need to say this so often?
Maybe because I'm a coward. I'm not saying I'm harmless, don't be afraid of me ( like I heard that big huge scary people do a lot, they need to smile all the time or people will feel threatened). No, it's the please don't hurt me smile. It's oke. We can work this out.

Funny, it does not have this effect all the time. Sometimes, is painting a target on your fucking smiley face.
Other times, just a smirk and nod: HA!
We know.
You know.
Move on, no need to prove it. The guy is dead anyway. He's living his life in fear.

Wipe that stupid smile off your face, dude.
Why do you smile so much?
Stop using it as a shield and get out of the defensive mindset. Defensive is a horrible way to go through life cause you are never ready to do something. You're too busy being on the lookout. With an idiotic grin on your face.

Look, I think I have to. When you can't hear, a smile and a nod is a great way to avoid the fact that you have no clue what the other person said. I'm in that situation A LOT. But also, do I really have to? Why don't you speak louder or gtfo?

I dunno. Extremes. There must be a happy middle somewhere but I am not sure I found it yet.
But if you see me looking grim, come say hey anyway.


Forever resting bitch face here even in happy situations.

I sort of envy people that can smile with a breeze and not look like they have a serious problem in controling the movement of their facial features.

haha. yeah the resting bitch face can put people off, but then if you actually make an effort they appreciate it :)

A smile is still better than no smile because our facial expressions have an impact on our mood as well as vice versa.

so they say, I'm not really sold on the evidence though!

I think it also has a lot to do with the intent you put behind the smile. Because if you think is a defensive move then everytime you smile you're going to feel sort of weak. But you could also use your smile as a way to persuade people to like you and then gain the upper hand.
Plus, if you think about it have you ever thought "aghhh look at that fucking guy smiling ewww so weak!" haha probably not. Smiles are cute.

sure. intent matters. I am just judging my own and I think it's a lot of weakness. smiling as a guy and as a girl are very different things...

" Defensive is a horrible way to go through life cause you are never ready to do something. "

I heard a nice quote a while back that relates to this a lot and that I think can help a lot of people if they would actually practice it:

"In life it's much better to make mistakes and to apologize than to ask for permission."

Very much truth in your post, Razvan! People often judge each other by the appearance. While you could have a smile on your face as you're thinking of something nice, that makes you happy they can always interpretate that you have a lame mask in public just to show that your life is going better than them..

Just don't care what other people think. Don't put it to heart. Apologize for smiling? Only if you're stuck smiling at a nice girl,but even then... LOL

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