To want vs To do

in #life6 years ago

I have a buddy who is doing some great stuff these days. He seems to work a lot and always on really small cool projects in various domain. Although he is not a writer, he writes and publishes some things on subjects he is passionate about. I ask him how does he get published and he says: "they come to me!".

He generally does a lot of things that I thought I'd like to try or that I could be good at. However, there;s one huge difference between us: while he does, I only want to do. And I once again have confirmed and believe that yes, this is the greatest difference between people. If you do not do the work it takes for something, which honestly, you can learn what that work is by looking at successful people in the field you want but you can't know for sure, there's nothing to happen for you. No one to be excited for what you do. And certainly, nothing to show.

I guess that's all external. You do what you do because you want something out of it, mostly something for yourself and not from others but somehow these two things come together. Maybe not always but a lot of times.

I sometimes meet people that do some things I like or write people I like or whatever. And I'm like hey, I love your work I'd love to talk more about this or that. Sometimes we do, but in the end, they do ask: so what do you do?
What do I even do?

I want.

Now when we did that famous exercise of picking a verb to descriebe you, I chose "I think" but I'd chose "I am" if that were taken. Which is really sad cause in is "I am not". And more than think, I want but to go back to I AM you need an "I do". And I just can't find enough of that verb in myself.

Ultimately, it's only wishful thinking.
They'll never ask.



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