The art of bullshit

in #life6 years ago (edited)

Here's what I call bullshit: maintaining a confidence that can not be justified by any serious serious and honest analysis of the reality.


I was talking with a friend about confidence as a very important aspect of success in life. There are many types of confidence if you really think about it though I don't suggest it.
There is confidence in your skills and abilities, honed by hard work and feedback. People say you are good at what you do, you are paid a hefty fee for your expertise and this builds and maintains your confidence. Being confident in your skills is not bullshit. ( Though remember, we are very prone to overestimating our skills ). But bullshit is not needed when something is easy and clear cut.

Taking a step further, you might think of your skills in other areas, where you don't get paid: social skills for example or making cocktails. Now here, your confidence is not directly connected with your actual expertise but something more ethereal. If you are confident you presume that people will like you and talk with you, if you are not..well, you might not even try. Fake it till you make it and all that. Sure. Now this is a little bullshitty but I feel it's discussed to death.

The real ART is in believing your decisions are the best possible in the moment and that you live in the best of timelines. Think about it like that; every decision creates alternate timelines in which you chose differently, did something differently etc. Even now, a different word could theoretically create a new timeline. Maybe shockingly different, maybe not. But a different one nonetheless!

Now imagine how many of these timelines must exist! The number is staggering. It's beyond comprehension. Out of all these, ONE is the "best" timeline. By what criteria or accords, doesn't matter, one is still "the best". What are the odds that is this one?
I say very little. I say almost impossible. That's not a bet you should ever take if you are smart.
Yet..we do this daily. We push ahead, we trudge along, optimists and confident that we are doing our best, towards the best of outcomes.
Every decisions is like turning a new corner into an infinite labyrinth that has only one exit. There is no going back. You can not see much ahead and nothing behind. You must find the exit.

The art of bullshit is moving ahead, with a smile and conviction that the door is right there, on the next corner or two. Cause otherwise, the weight of the impossibility of ever turning the right corner is so heavy that it would crush and stop us on our track. Implosion imminent.
By this definition, the art of bullshit is the art of living.


The truth is that having an irrational confidence, even if it's not backed by anything is way better than not having any confidence at all.

I have to agree!

The art of bullshit sounds like a very ancient and well respected martial art :))

great article.....nice to share...

great job

Confidence. It’s something that is much easier said than done. It’s a simple word, yet something that many people — specifically women — seem to have trouble finding. It’s not their fault. It’s not necessarily anyone’s fault. Regardless of the reason, too many women in this world lack self-confidence, myself included.
I'm totally agree with what you've said. Great thoughts, keep writing. I will wait for more amazing writings from you. Thank You.

Fine. Here it is another upvote for you!
Take it! (That's me in the gif)

lol, so much love in that offering...:P

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