I came to gratitude too late.

in #life7 years ago

Back when I was growing up, we took everything for granted. Oh, there were whispers of appreciations, of the wonders of being young innocent and with no care in the world. I remember reading and my mother saying it's nice to have time to read all the books you want without any worry. That sounded crazy to me, no time for reading?!. Never.

Time passed. At times we were talking about how this time is nice, we're drinking and waking up refreshed, no hangovers and yeah, this college thing will end and we'll miss it. But really? We did not FEEL it. We were immortal and the reality was forever. Time passed us by with a speed we could not comprehend and we did not slow it down to say thanks. Stupid.

But then again, back then there wasn't this cult I see on social media. Wherever I look people are #blessed, #gratitude is the word of the day no matter who you are or what you do. There's even a fucking emoji for it, for god's sake. That's all good, all good but I fear that I came to it too late, embracing gratitude as a new must-have accessory. It's hard to know if you're truthful or just under the marketing spell.

So, I worry that I'm not genuinely practicing gratitude that I am just part of the trend.
I worry that I am too old for appreciation to matter, but I know, I know for a fact, that I'll look back at today one day and say "what a wonderful time, I should have been there more".
That's what pushes me to my practice. That's what blesses me. This very thought that I'm living the best days of my life, always, and want to keep them close to me for as long as possible.

I'm surely awake to this reality, but it's nothing you never heard before. The hard part is actually doing it, day in, day out, until it becomes part of you.
One day.


Good share. Daily gratitudes were the best thing I ever did in my life. The appreciation and confidence developed from this practice was and still is life changing.

a practice is the hard part for sure. glad that you're on it!@

I am old too and gratitude is a key. I love how you put all this in words. Thank you.

Ooft, you are getting old. Thems are old people's thoughts whirling about your head ;0)

haha. i know man! teach me how to stay young forever. here: a challenge. make a post " How to stay young forever, advice from an old scots" :))

Hahah, if I ever find out I will do that!!

It's never too late for genuine gratitude! Never. I've often thought also about the whole trendy nature of appreciation and gratitude somehow cheapening it but have come to think that actually, if we're going to have any kind of trend, it's a good one and so much better than other trends I can think of!! Even if people aren't feeling it fully, feeling it a little and putting attention there in any capacity is better than none at all!

that's a great outlook. Yeah, might feel a bit cheapened but also, it's like saying that the fitness trend makes exercising less healthy. It does not, it just brings more people to it.

Yep. Gratitude is short in this world, and yet it so enriches your life. In this social media world it's too easy to "be" anything. Emotions and spirit have become shallow, ephemeral comments. Glad you haven't given in, even if you feel like you're late to the party, you're not.

Graditude is a powerful tool that changes everything. The only thing old is the soul that learns through their journey in life. Old is part of a program we were handed with roles and scripts to follow from birth. Break free, my friend. Follow and UPvoted.

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