BEST investment EVER

in #life7 years ago

In his new book, Tim Ferris asks a very simple question:
What purchase of $100 or less has most positively impacted your life in the last six months (or in recent memory)?

I thought about this for a while and I can never come with a better answer than this:


[ Ok, admit it! You thought this post is about coins!!! ]

I got it on sales for 90$ so it qualifies. Even at full price is still the best investment ever!
I love to read and I love to read a lot of books in the same time and honestly, a lot of the new books are not available here too fast. So when I really need a book, I can always get it on Kindle, often in the same day it's available online.
But the power of Kindle goes beyond this: it's a library, a storage unit, a vault of infinite knowledge!

Because right now you can store literally any book on Kindle. It's somewhat of a mind-boggling concept to my parents for example. They see a big library as a sign of a well-read person. How could that small device be anything like the hundreds of books that occupy most of the space in our house? It doesn't feel the same! Yet, it's much more..

There are also a few cool little tidbits that some people don't know about Kindle. For example: you can lend a Kindle book to other Kindle user for a few weeks. It's a bit of an assholeish move from Amazon: you "lend" the book to your friend and they can read but you can't use it during the lent time. Now, that is a lot like lending real book just that..well, you're not actually sending anything! They could easily let you read it in the same time but noup!. Still, lending is nice.
You can also make notes on your kindle books and see what other notes or highlights other people reading the same book made. It's kind of a socializing of a very solitary experience: reading. It's nice to see what other people thought was worth highlighting and what did you miss.

Finally: The smell argument!!. Yes, the Kindle doesn't smell like a real book and yes, the smell of a new book is unique and precious and you'll miss it. Sorry. Go sniff some new books in the library, buy one time to time then go back to your paperwhite and enjoy reading!
Look, once you start using the Kindle, you simply won't feel the need to smell the book anymore. It's a little sad that this ritual is dying out but it's good for the trees, at least?

I want to urge you to get the Paperwhite. It's a little more expensive but it's so worth it to have internal lighting. Reading in the dark is such a an awesome experience!

I hope this will convince you to jump on a paperwhite if you haven't yet and please tell me in the comments where do you stand on the debate: REAL BOOKS vs KINDLE! ( and what's your favorite book cause I need inspiration!)

Have a good Saturday, all!!



Nice post. I used only Kindle for several years. It is cheaper and faster. But I started to notice that I did not learn as much when I read on Kindle, and I did not get that emotional invested that I did in a real book. Story short, I do not use Kindle anymore, and only buy real books. Now I find it fun reading again, I learn more, and I also love the smell of the real thing. Just my personal opinion. Perhaps I'll change back to Kindle again. Takes at least 2 weeks (or more) to get my books from Amazon to Norway. I could certainly save myself for a lot of money too.

You know, now that you mention it I can totally see how I maybe retain less than I would in the past with normal books. It's interesting. I must keep an eye on this and see what happens. Thank you for your comment and insight!

I've had a Kindle for a while now. I've read maybe five books on it. I'm not the biggest fan honestly. I like the immediacy of the analog book experience. I can flip pages instantly and go back whole sections without even thinking about it. If I want to do the same on the Kindle it's a big hassle. I still buy books on it from time to time if it's something new that doesn't have a cheap-o used version on eBay or at the used bookstore, but for older stuff I always just buy a used copy.

I think the highlight option can be very useful for Kindle but I do agree that the feeling is not that the same. If I buy a book nowadays is because I wanna scribble on it :D

yes i agree with your thinking. good thogute.

I was dead set against E-Readers for a while, out of some arbritary love with physical books. Now, I still love books but I've found that I actually find it easier to read on my Kindle. Bigger text and less information of each page makes it so much easier to read without being distracted.

Great viewpoint! Resteemed!

Which kind of books you mostly like to read

Check my history, I make a lot of recommendations!!

Great choice mate i also have a kindle its like wonderland of books and knowledge . No matter what is the occasion or mood i found a book of my choice to read and results in stress free. agreed with you it's a good investment because the experinces and skills you got are worth more than 90-100$. Go Paperwhite.

Best for me was my investment in steemit.

ha! Can't argue with that but it's more abstract answer...

i got kindle but dont know how to use it. ill ask ya for some tips

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